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It was the next morning I woke up and realized I need to meet James at the gryffindor tower. I got changed into just some normal clothes since it's Saturday today was also Halloween. The whole school was having a costume party. Lily is going Professor Mcgnagall which she asked if it was alright Marlene is going a princess and I chose before I knew about Remus to go as red riding hood. I made my way down to gryffindor tower. Lily and Marlene were existing the room and I hid behind a pillar so they didn't see me. Thankfully they didn't and James was coming from the opposite way "Anika" he said coming over "Why weren't in the dorms" I ask "I was at the hospital wing with Remus and the others." He tells me "Ok so what do you want to ask" James says "Last night. Remus kept nuzzling close to me and trying to get me to play. Do you know why that was" I ask James seems quite nervous "Oh Umm not sure. He doesn't really know who he is. I didn't get that either. It seemed odd he was more interested in you then us" James seemed so uneasy and nervous when he was telling me this

James's Pov
Shit, I thought Moony didn't know anything when he was in his werewolf form. Why did he remember the girl he liked. "Do you wanna come and see him" I asked her "Um yeah sure" she nodded. We walked to the hospital wing but were stopped by Severus, Lucius and Narcissa. "So you went from Lupin to Potter. Good job Course" Lucius said smirking "Leave her alone Malfoy" i sneered "Too bad your not a gryffindor like your boyfriendS we could have called you gryffinwhore actually we could since you only date..." Anika punched Narssica the face Before she could finish "You bitch" she yelled in pain holding her bloody nose "What is going on here" Professor Flickwhit asked "Anika punched Narssica in the face" Snape told him "They were calling me names and harassing me" Anika defended herself "Malfoy, Black and Course detention after dinner tomorrow" professor told them "and 10 points each so 20 from slytherin and 10 from Ravenclaw" he added waking away "Come on let's get going" Anika said to me pulling my arm towards the hospitalwing. The Slytherin following because of Narssica.

Anika's Pov
Great detention with them. Potter and I walked in followed by Narssica. Madam Promfey immediately ran to her when she saw the blood. We went over to Lupin's bed we was awake "why'd she come" Peter glared at me "I asked her if she wanted to she had a question for Moony. Come let's give them some space if it a great sort to tell you about Malfoy" Potter grinned pulling the boys away. I took Sirius seat. Remus sat up "What's wrong" he asked concerning "Umm so how much of last night do you remember" I ask "Uh the four of us spent the night in the common room" he lied "Lupin, I know about you. You don't have to lie" I say his eyes hair open "who told you" he got a bit upset "Hey clam down. No one did. I saw it for myself. I went out to do soemthing and saw the boys as animals and you as a werewolf" I explain "Why's you go outside" he question "I'm an born animagus. I went to transfigure" I lower my head "Oh Umm I kind already knew that" he blushed "How" I gasped "That day in muggle studies when you were in pain I followed you after class and saw" I hit his arm "You git. Why did you follow" "Because you seemed like you were in pain I was worried" he told me"Last night i staid with you guys all night. The four of you ran around and played, well I slept on a rock after a bit you came over and woke me up sniffing me and trying to get me to play." I explain he blushed hard "Oh" "why was that potter said you don't know who you are in your form" I say he took my hand "I remember certain things like smell. Anika I really like you. I have since 2 year" he told me. "Really" I say surprised he nodded I rubbed my thrums over his hand "I like you a lot too Remus" we both smiled "So now what" he asked "Can we keep this a secret. I'm ready to explain this all to Lily and the girls" he nodded "It'll be our litter secret. Now what happened with Malfoy" he smiled. We let go of each other hand I explained him everything "You punch Narssica, that's awesome" he grinned "Yeah it was. I should get going" I say standing up as the boys come back "Ok see ya later" he waved "Did you get your answer, Vixen" potter asked "Yeah I did it was just the fox smell. Quite nice to a wolf. And don't call me Vixen I'm not a marauder" I say "Your an honourably one now" Sirius yelled as I walked out back to the gryffindor common room. I can't believe I'm with Remus Lupin.

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