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Anika's Pov
" I can't believe Lupin and Malfoy" I sigh putting my head of the liar you table. I was studying for charms with Lily and Alice.
"What even happened" Alice asks "I asked Bunting if I could move back and Remus saw. He asked why and I told him the complete truth. He wanted to sit with Sirius again and Lily hates sitting with Sirius. And Remus has the audacity to say I didn't want to sit with him. He's a great partner for class. He does the work and know he's doing. It wasn't the first he said I didn't like sitting with him and I got upset" I explain. "What are they doing here" Alice says looking at the Marauders "Well since they're here want to study in Gryffindor common room" Lily suggested "Yeah that's better" I pack up my things. "Wait Anika can I talk to you" Remus asked "Not now Lupin" I say "Please" he looked at me puppy dog eyes. He look so cute it made me break "Alright. Just stop looking at me like that" I say "Great". He lead me over to a corner "What's up Lupin" I cross my arms "I'm sorry about everything. I guess I should stop bugging you about being my desk partner." He tells me "You should. I do like having you as a partner." I tell him "And sorry about the detention" he adds "Dear god you apologize so much. You were trying to get me out of it. Malfoy's the one that got me one" I tell him "I just feel bad. It seems like all of the your problems Im causing" he frowns. I put my hand on his shoulder "Trust me Remus you are not even in the slightest the cause of my problems this year" I tell him "Really" he looks at me. I nod. We both just stare into each other's eyes. He stared leaning down and started leaning in to. I don't know why but we did"MOONY" Sirius yells coming over to us the library ruptured with people shushing him. Remus and I step away from each other. "Not even going to ask what was about to happen here but we kind of need you help" Sirius says to us. I quickly run off. "Why was i about to kiss Remus Lupin" I think to myself "what did he want" Lily asked as we walked to gryffindor tower "Just to apologize about everything that happening" I say to them "Ok let's get going. Dinner is soon" Alice says pulling Lily and i away.

Remus's Pov
I can't believe Anika and I nearly kissed. Did she like me too. "Did I interrupt something important" Sirius asks me "What do you mean" I nervously rub the back of my neck as I take a seat next to Peter "You and Anika nearly kissed" he told me "What" Prongs says shocked "no we didn't" I argue "You both were leaning in and looking into each other's eye" Sirius added "I'm gonna head to dinner. I don't need to be harassed by you people" I chuckle taking my bag and leaving

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