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Anika's Pov
We were all waiting in the great hall for the train to arrive. James and Sirius were playing wizard chess. Peter and Remus were talking well Lil and I talked "So far this has been a bit of an odd year and it not even half way through" she said to me "Your right but you know maybe now it can only get better" I say. Mcgnagall announces the train as arrived so we all begin to leave. Lily, Marlene, Alice and I sat together well the Marauders sat in their normal compartment Sirius was carrying around some price of paper it looked like the right size for a map but I wasn't sure. "Are you nervous about going home" Marlene asks me "A bit yeah. I obviously like Coraline but just the way my dad wrote the letter made it seem like he never truly loved my mother" I say turning away from my book. "I'm sure it'll all be fine. Write them when ever you want" Lily tells me I already knew writing to her would be pointless Petunia would probably get to the letter first.

The train came to stop and everyone plied out looking for their parents. I stayed with Remus and Lily. Marlene almost immediately found her brothers Sirius and James found his parents and Peter was spending Curtis as with them anyway. "Oh I see Petunia" Lily says not so happy. I look over to see her parents and older sister, who was trying to avoid being touched "Good luck Lily" I tell her "Bye Anika see you in a couple weeks" we hugged and she went over "and then there were two" Remus joked taking my hand. Everything with Remus as been perfect. As lame as it may sound our normal date are spent in the library reading or studying but to us it just time for the two of us away from our loud friends. "Oh is de my parents. Come on" he pulls me towards "Mum, dad" he called out for them. Mrs.Lupin immediately pulled her son into a hug "oh it's wonderful to see you dear" she chimed "and who is this lovely lady" She ask gesturing towards me "This is Anika Course. My girlfriend" he smiled "Oh it's lovely to meet you Remus has written about you" she hugged me and so did his dad Remus blushed brightly "Anika" I turned to see Coraline and my dad consign over holding hands oh so much did I want to cry that was the normal scene but only it was her and not my mother "dad" I said running. Over giving him a hug "hi dear" he hugged me back kissing my forehead "Hello Anika" Coraline said "Hi" I said quickly "Dad this is Remus Lupin my boyfriend" that took quite a shock to dad "It's nice to meet you Mr. Course" Remus shook my dads hand "You too" I couldn't elk didn't look super impressed with the news. "Well we should get going. We got tickets to the theatre" Coraline told me. That was always something we did as a family mom dad and me "see you in a couple week" I kiss Remus' cheek and leave with dad mad Coraline "bye" he called out.

When we get home everything look like it changed. The living room looked completely different "We did a bit of rearranging" Coraline said "I can tell but why" I ask "well there now a bit of space for a baby's cot" Dad said a bit nervously I snapped my head towards him "Excuse me. A what" I say surprised "We are expecting" Coraline smiled. I just started at them wide eyed "I know this is a bit of a shock but I didn't want to put this news in the letter" my dad said "A BIT OF A SHOCK. You think this is just a bit. Are you two mental. I learned to live with the fact your marrying mom's best friend but the fact you two are having a baby is terrible. Did you even love mom" I scream "Anika of course I did" dad tried to defends himself "Are you sure mom hasn't even been gone a year and your already with another women and having a baby with her. You know what enjoy the theatre I'm not going" I yell them storming to my room slamming and locking the door. I sit on my bed and just cry. They both called after me Coraline being a bit more rude

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