(13) BUSTED!

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Five weeks later 

Bucky and Catalina were enjoying a moment with her pregnancy as she leaned against the window of his office. Their baby girl was moving they were all smiles. They began to share a kiss Bucky still had his hands on her bump. 

"What the hell are you two doing?" Steve said 

They both forgot about the door not being locked. Bucky let go of her lips and bump wiped his mouth as he turned around. 

"Steve..don't be mad. I love your sister.." he said 

"You are the father of her baby aren't you? That's why she won't tell anyone. You are having a baby with Penny and my sister?! She's 12 years younger than you Buck! Hell you use to change her diapers!" Steve yelled. 

"Steve please stop yelling!" She said 

"Cat this isn't right. He's married..I love you but what you did was wrong." Steve said

"Don't you dare blame her for this. It was a mutual thing..we just kissed and one thing lead to another. So don't you dare pin all the blame on her." Bucky said 

"This is so bad Bucky!" Steve said as he left. 

Bucky hugged her. "It's okay.." he whispered as he kissed her. 

By the end of the day Steve alerted James and Joe about Bucky's infidelity with his sister. When they went to her house James and Winnie were already there. 

"Great..just fucking great. Steve is still such a god damn tattle tale." He said as put the car in park. 

She looked down as he came around to open her car door. They went inside they found everyone in the living room. 

"James Buchanan! How could you?! I raised you better than this!" James said in a stern voice. 

"And you Cat! How could you ruin someone's marriage!" Sarah snapped 

"Look we are sorry but I love her. In the time that I've spent with her in the last year I no longer saw the little girl I use to baby sit. I saw this beautiful gorgeous girl and I fell in love with her. And yes dad I know I fucked up. I was trying to figure out how to tell Penny it was over." He said 

"Son then you shouldn't of been sleeping with her. Or Penny till you figured out what you wanted. Now you don't just have one baby on the way you have two. Due within days of each other.." James said 

"Catalina I'm upset that you have lied to me. I asked you repeatedly who the dad was and you wouldn't tell me." Joe said 

"What did you want me to say? Sorry dad I'm having an affair with James..the baby is his." She said 

"The truth would have been nice." Sarah said 

"James honey I know from the moment we let you hold her. For some unknown reasons you have always had a way with her. We use to joke around that you were a baby whisperer cause as soon as she was laid in your arms she would stop crying when she was a baby. And you two have always shared this special connection that none of us understand. But you should of been honest with Penny. Now when did this start?" Winnie said 

He looked down. "Back on the month long business trip. We celebrated that everything was going well by doing shots." Bucky said 

"That trip..." Steve said as he walked out. 

When Bucky got home to his penthouse he found Penelope's stuff gone. 

"Damn you Steve." He whispered 

But it wasn't Steve that Bucky was the most scared to find out. It was someone else he was close to that had him scared. That weekend they were all back in the Hamptons for one last weekend of the summer. Joe was grilling out steaks burgers and hot dogs. When Sam made a beeline for Bucky. 

"You stupid fucker! You cheated on my sister! My sister! I trusted you with my sister to not do anything to hurt her!" Sam said as he punched him. 

Bucky punched him back as he said "dude I'm sorry.." 

"Sorry! You fucked around on my sister! You were my best friend dude I stood by you as your best man when you married her. I gave you my blessing and everything. And you go and do this.." Sam said as he walked away backwards.

Bucky felt someone came up behind him. "I didn't know she was Sam's sister." Cat said as she wrapped her arms around him. 

He interlaced his hand with hers. "Yeah she's a year younger than us. She attended UMass the same time we did." Bucky said as he turned around to face her. 

Penelope sat with her brother as they all watched the fireworks. She moved out of the penthouse and was staying with him till she found a place.  She wouldn't even speak to Bucky or  look at him. She filed for divorce and he signed the papers just two days before the trip. 

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