(12) Majors and Babies

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Two months later..

Bucky was sitting on the bed of the hotel room as Catalina got ready. He walked to the bathroom  to check on her.

"Baby your meeting at the college is in 30 minutes let's go." He said 

She opened up the door "I'm pregnant.." she said 

He looked at her shocked. "Wow.." he said 

"What are we going to do James?! My dad is going to freak! He still won't let me move out and if he finds out that I've been sleeping with you not to mention Steve. Oh good god your wife.." she said without even stopping to take a breathe. 

"Cat Cat..I love you. And by the way I've been working on finding you a place that is yours. I don't care what your dad has to say about it." He said as he kissed her. 

"You love me?" She whispered 

"Yes I love you. I have also been working on finding a divorce lawyer and finding a way to tell Penelope." He said as they had their foreheads together. 

"I love you too James." She whispered 

"We need to go so you aren't late. And I'm not late for my meetings baby." He said as they grabbed their stuff and left.

She went to NYU kept her online class courses but finally declared herself a major. The major she chose was child Psychology. While she was busy picking classes for her upcoming fall semester. Bucky was in the middle of a conference call when Penelope came in. 

He muted his end. "Why are you here?" He said 

"Because you didn't come home last night. I needed to talk to you.." she said 

"About what?" He said

"I'm pregnant again.." she said with a big smile. 

"I thought you had gotten an IUD that is good for three years. Hazel just turned 2." He said 

"Do you not remember me telling you that I had it removed because it was in my uterine wall while you were on your long business trip. I went back on the shot which I had gotten just two days before Steve's wedding. What is the matter with you? I thought you would be happy James.." she said 

"Great job dick impregnated two women all in one weekend."

"I just um I'm in the middle of a conference call. Can we talk about this later." He said 

"James..you are acting weird." Penelope said 

"Just please go.." he said 

Penelope left the office and passed Catalina. "Morning Cat." She said 

"Morning Penny..Penny what are you doing here?" Catalina said 

"I came by to tell my husband that I'm pregnant but he's to wrapped in work to care." She said as she got on the elevator. 

Catalina ran into his office to find him beating his forehead against the glass. "She's pregnant too?" She said 

He turned around with tears. "Hey.." he said 

"Hey no don't be upset. I'm not mad you told me that you were trying to not throw her off. So you kept pretending to be the husband you needed to be." She said as she made her way to him. 

She kissed him. "I chose child psychology." She said 

"Good job baby." He whispered 

They had sex on the couch which made him feel a little better. He went to both doctor appointments found out that they were both due in December. Joe wasn't happy when she told him especially when she refused to tell him who the dad was. The only one that was announced was Penelope's when they both hit 15 weeks. They were both due with baby girls within three days of each other. 

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