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My Dad thought I was just looking for attention. "Cutting only draws the wrong type of people. The wrong type of boys". He didn't really try to understand. My mom at least made an effort to show she cared for me. but honestly, they were all a bunch of liars. 

I got to school late. I walked into the dance studio and pulled out my dance shoes. before I had left I was offered a spot on our school's dance company, Kimmie the teacher in charge found out I was coming back and made sure I knew I was welcome on the team.  I took it because dance was the only thing that could truly make me happy. I did a lot of different styles from Tap to Jazz, Ballroom, Hip hop, Modern, and Ballet. My parents made sure when I was younger that I had something to call mine in my family. My older brother was into art, and I didn't want to play sports like my cousins. My mom noticed I was obsessed with shows like Dancing with the Stars, World of Dance and America's Got Talent especially when there were dancers on TV.  She signed me up for ballet and tap soon after. I was three yet decided I was going to dance forever. "Ryley, you're late. It's your first day back and you're late, Is everything ok? ". Kimmie was one of the few teachers who knew about my situation. I nodded and quickly finished stretching before going to my corner and doing what I loved most.

After dance class, I had math, which was on the other side of the school, And as I was walking I saw someone I had hoped to avoid for at least another week. The boy who has known me since we were six. And my neighbor. Preston Ryans. Preston and I used to actually be really close. Like best friends close. Our last names are close in the alphabet and we usually ended up in the same class in grade school. But while I went on to dance and try and be more popular, he was a natural simply because he was kind and good looking. Our freshmen year we had gotten into a fight about my choices. And I told him not to talk to me anymore. But since we were neighbors our moms were close. He was one of the first people to know about me going to the hospital. I didn't need his pity this year.  I pulled my hood down and kept walking. Except it turned out he was in my math class. I almost turned around except Micah was there and grabbed my hand. and pulled me to the table he was sitting at. Which also happened to be the table next to Preston. He looked up at me and was about to say something when I looked away. Micah looked at me like "You guys still aren't talking after two years". The whole period I was lost and I'm pretty sure my teacher could tell because the evil woman told Preston to help me out since we were Neighbors. He laughed at this but agreed.

 As soon as the bell rang I ran not even bothering to wait for Micah. I needed to get out of there away from Preston. I was walking so fast that I ran into someone again. Wow at this rate people will just know me as the girl who runs into people. I look up and meet Ethan's eyes and blush when I see his greyish blue ones blink confusedly. I get up and offer him a hand. He still hasn't realized who I am thank goodness for a hoodie. At least that's what I thought. "You ran into Thomas yesterday didn't you" he laughs looking at me. I blush even brighter. "yeah I'm clumsy" Ethan just laughs at me so I go to leave "Hey, it's been a while since we ate lunch together do you want to?" I was in so much shock I nodded.  

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