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I knew it. Deep down I always knew it. I just kinda stood there, in shock when suddenly. my phone rings. Crap! My mom is calling. as I try to silent my phone I hear them make their way over. so I just run. I'm running out of the library when I hear Thomas mutter curse words and tries to chase after me but Michelle stops him. I text my mom that I'm at the football field parking lot, how I got this far I don't know. I feel empty. " you'll realize you never loved me soon enough." maybe I had jinxed it but I can't help feeling empty as his words replay in my head over and over the whole drive home.

I'm sitting in my room texting Clara. when the doorbell rings my Mom is at the twin's karate match. and Clara isn't coming over till nine. maybe it's the boy's annoying friends I go down and open the door. " Joey and Nolan aren't home right now. " I'm shocked when a deep voice replies. "Uhm ok but you are and I'm here to help you with math so you ready?" I look up into the blue eyes of Preston Ryans.

"What are you doing here?" He hasn't been to my house in such a long time. I'm shocked he actually listened to the teacher. "I already told you, Ryley I'm here to help you with math." he walks in. and goes up towards my room. already knowing where it was. he walks in and goes to my desk. I had followed him but now I'm just standing there in shock as he sets up his laptop and pulls out his workbook. He finally looks up. and tilts his head to the side "Are you just gonna stand there?". I walk into my room and go up to him. "why are you doing this Preston? we haven't talked in two years and now you're sitting in my room offering me help with my homework." He looks at me and shakes his head and starts to explain the concept we went over in math today. I gave up on finding out his real intentions and sat down and tried to follow along.

"I'm hopeless!" I call out an hour and a half later, Prestons has gone over it five times and I'm still lost. He laughs at me and shakes his head and pulls out a Coke from his backpack. I'm jealous but then he hands it to me. Then pulls out another one. " You still like Coke right?" I nod surprised he remembers something so stupid he then hands me a straw. I laugh and he looks at me confused, "You remembered that I use straws when drinking out of a can." he just nods and looks away while taking a drink from his own. I stare at it before opening it and hearing that satisfying sound of when you open a can. I smile a little and take a sip. "Thank you, Preston.". He smiles a little. before he starts to explain the lesson for what feels like the millionth time except for this time I get it.

I used to have a huge crush on Preston he's naturally a handsome boy with blue raspberry syrup colored eyes. and light brown wavy hair. His smile made any girl swoon. And our seventh grade year I finally saw him as you know a boy and not the annoying boy who liked to torment me about my braces or the kid I used to hangout with in my treehouse. I tried telling him only once, but I honestly don't know what happened to the note I put in his locker. Soon I just gave up on him. And tried to forget my crush. And eventually I did.

My Mom got home and had brought pizza and was thrilled to see Preston and me together. We hadn't hung out in a few years. "Preston would you like to join us for dinner tonight" she says said with little stars in her eyes. "Uhm sure if its not a bother." My mother looks thrilled and so do the twins. They admire Preston and have since they could talk. But I actually am involved at dinner, I'm not drifting in to the realms of my brain. as I'm walking him to the door I smile "Thanks Preston.. it means a lot ". He smiles a little "No problem it was nice to hangout with you.. it's been a while" I nod "We should try and do it again sometime" he laughs "You're right you'll need a lot of help with homework in the future" I blush embarrassed . "Shut up! I'm not that bad am I?" He laughs while shrugging and walks out the door. I close it and lock it. What a jerk. I laugh to myself then go up to my room to find Clara just laying on my bed.

We end up just hanging out and watching a TV show about some weird couples who don't even really know each other. I cuddle up next to her and she kisses my forehead "you look better today" she says smiling. Clara is like my mom she takes care of me, and is super protective of me. I just nod and start drifting to sleep she turns the tv off and lays back down. I'm glad she's here incase the nightmares wake me up.

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