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I was sitting awkwardly in Prestons car,  soaking wet  holding ten books in a Walmart bag with my coat protecting them like they were my child. Preston kept glancing at me, humming to the song sweet caroline. I randomly screamed "BUM BUM BUM!" one time freaking him out. I went back to being quiet till he laughed. I smiled and pulled on my sleeves making sure everything was covered. We weren't headed toward our houses anymore. I looked at him "Preston where are we going? I need to get home." he shakes his head and keeps driving till we were suddenly at Starbucks. 

"Two Hot Chocolates please," Preston said calmly, as I shoved his arm shaking my head no. He then stuck his tongue out at me then ordered me a cookie. I shook my head violently  "No Preston I don't need anything. I'm okay I promise," he shakes his head, pulling up to the window and paying then turned back to me while we were waiting. "you haven't really eaten today  have you?" I shrugged turning away. I checked my books making sure they were dry. I smiled seeing the ones I picked out. I had read some of them already but they were some of my favorites I thought I owed it to myself to feel happy in those worlds. Preston let out a soft laugh, I looked over to see him watching me with a smile, "How many times you gonna read Percy Jackson?" he says sighing feigning annoyance but was still smiling. I shrugged " till I have it memorized?" I say laughing.  *BANG BANG* 

The knock on the window was loud and scared both of us causing us to jump and turn to the window. I half expected a serial killer, having totally forgotten we were in a drive-through. The waitress was annoyed. She rolled her eyes and handed us our order we both mumbled a "thank you" and she just rolled her eyes again leaving. We both let out a breath we had apparently been holding. 

"OH MY GOD!!! Did you see her face!" I laugh out clutching my stomach. Preston's laughing and trying to put our stuff down. I was laughing when he handed me a cookie, it had green icing. My favorite color I doubt he remembered that, it was just a coincidence. I looked at the cookie. I shouldn't eat it. I didn't deserve it. But he did pay for it. Right? It'd be rude not to? I took a bite. It was cream cheese frosting. I missed cookies like this. Heck, I missed cookies in general.  "Ryles, You are done with your foodgasm?" I realized I had moaned. He let out a laugh. I forgot how much I loved his laugh. He looked at me and suddenly I felt myself blushing, why I had no idea but I quickly looked back at the cookie he suddenly poked my nose, and I felt something on it. I stuck my tongue out slightly and went cross-eyed making him laugh harder I saw icing on it. I tried licking it off for about two minutes before giving up and pouting at him. I was about to ask for a napkin when he licked it, then leaned back blushing I just stared shocked as he started driving me home. 

I was sitting in my room thinking about everything that had happened lately. I just wanted to melt into the background. I shouldn't be getting close to people.

Mom, Joey, and Nolan were at karate. My dad had tried calling, I didn't feel like talking to him though. Clara was planning on sleeping over tonight, she had gotten into a fight with her grandma. But I had about four hours till then. I decided to lie on my bed and contemplated life for the millionth time. I was staring at the ceiling when the doorbell rang. I went down expecting Preston or the boy's friends. I stopped on the bottom step. It was weird saying that. "Expecting Preston" I sighed, and continued to the door I peeked out the peephole and screamed. I smacked my hand over my mouth and leaned against the door. "Ryley open the door. Come on, please?" I took a deep breath and opened it. 

"Hey, Thomas...."  

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