14) The Traitor

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~Fang's POV~

The next three days are relatively quiet with me frequently visiting my bed ridden lovey and watching everyone in our house. Vincent pointed out that the gun shot was most likely his very own Cerberus, considering it fired three times in a row and he would just know. He didn't even have it on when we went out with Frill, which was strange for him. I guess he forgot it when he ran out to the beach and then didn't remember again until when he said so.

"Hey Vince," I say, closing the door behind me. "Feeling any better?" It's become like a morning routine to ask him and he always answers the same way.

"A little."

"Good. Is Chaos helping yet?"

"I'm not sure."

"Hmph. Tell him to get off his lazy butt and give you hand. Or claw, whatever."

"Perhaps I will."

I laugh and sit in my usual spot beside him. He turns his head to stare at me for a second before brushing his lips against my cheek.

"Fang, it's not safe for you here."

"This is my home, I'm not hiding away from some idiot because he wants to scare me out."

"It would be the wise choice to get away for awhile," he says firmly.

"I'm not going without you," I frown. "What if they're after you too?"

"I'll go as soon as Turner will let me."

"What is with you all of a sudden," I shake my head. "I come in here to keep you company, and now you're all like 'Let's run away into the sunset together'." He gives me an unamused look and puts his bookmark in the book I've seen hin read a dozen times.

"You're life is in danger. I have a good idea of who it is that would like you dead, and they're very... Nearby to where you are."

"Fine," I huff. "There's a cave three miles east of Oerba that we can stay in until you think I'll be safe." He nods and closes his eyes. "How do you know who it is?"

"I've been watching them at night."

"Hmm," I hum. "Guess I'll go tonight then?"

"I'll be there eventually," he nods.


"I still don't get why I have to leave," I grumble to myself in annoyance, stomping through the woods in the dark. What good is running and hiding? Is Vincent going after the person without me? How soon is he coming? "Makes no frikin sense."

It's a three mile walk to the cave, and I've only just managed to slip out, now that Frill's asleep. What kind of old lady goes to bed at ten? I wonder who it is that's after me. What could anyone possibly have against me? And isn't talking about it much more logical than threatening to kill me? Idiots these days...

I read the cave in twenty five minutes, tossing my bag of 'scarves' and weapon upgrading materials into the dark corner.

"Might as well start a fire," I grumble, grabbing a stack of branches from outside and struggling to ignite a portion of them. I suck at this... That takes another fifteen minutes before I can coax a flame into burning the wood. "Wonder how long Vamp's gonna be," I mutter, looking at the fire in front of me. With a sigh, I stand and grab my spear, heading out to kill some monsters. I hear a snap from behind me in the cave, but when I turn, there's nothing. That's when I feel to arms gently curl around my waist, a head nuzzling into my neck.

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