12) The Monster

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~Fang's POV~

"What happened in here?!" Frill exclaims, looking at the wall. "Who the heck..?"

"No idea," I shrug, crossing my legs across Vincent's lap. He sighs and gives me a weary look. "But did you get my ice cream?"

"Seven tubs," the old woman nods. "Ayana, be a dear and put the groceries away, will you?"

"Yes Gramma!"

"Here," Fang tosses me a tub and a spoon. "Fatso."

"I ain't fat," I stick my tongue out at her. "Just miserable. Want some Vince?"

"No thanks."

"Why not?" I shove a spoonful in my mouth. He furrows his eyebrows and shakes his head. "What's your favorite flavor then?"

"He's Vincent, he doesn't eat ice cream," Alec scoffs.

"Vanilla," Vince shrugs. I chuckle and poke his cheek with the tip of my sandal. He grimaces and pushes my foot away.

"You all are strange," Frill shakes her head. "And one of you needs to go scrub that gunk off the wall." Wonder if it was Sonyeh... Pulling a prank maybe? But she wouldn't..

"I will," Alec sighs. "I'm the only one not drooling over an ex."

"Hey," I snap at him. "Don't make me kill you."

"You're too bored to," he smirks, grabbing a rag. Then he frowns at the wall."But seriously. You're okay with someone threatening your life?"

"It was probably a joke," Frill shakes her head. "Just wash it off, Alec."

"Alright," he answers hesitantly, giving me a worried look before scrubbing away.

"I'm really bored," I mutter. Vincent hums in reply, watching the blood disappear.

"I've got to go get Ayana's meds," Frill smacks her forehead. "Dinner's done. Fang, yours is the plate on the far left. Vincent, and sure she eats for me, will you?"

"Yay, more rice for me to throw," I scoff. Vincent waits until Frill leaves to get the two plates, lost in thought.

"I don't trust her," he finally says.

"Why? Frill's so sweet," I frown. Alex listens while washing. I know he's never felt at ease around the poor woman, but what harm could she do? She's only ever taken care of me.

"She hardly reacted to Lokir's death." Ow... That one still hurts. "She wasn't all that worried when you were sick, she doesn't care about the threat, and now she's giving you a specific plate with orders for you to eat it all."

"Vincent, you're ridiculous," I roll my eyes. "That's normal for her."

"Not really," Alec furrows his eyebrows. "But she does have a point, Vin. You can't just accuse people of attempting murder when the only evidence you have is force feeding."

"We'll have to see," Vincent mutters handing me a plate.

"But that's not my special one," I pout.

"I'm aware."

"You suck," I grumble. "If that was supposed to kill me, you'd be dead."

"Oh well," he shrugs. "I don't have much to live for anyway."

"You have plenty, now shut up and eat."

We all dig in, starving even though Vince never eats and I just shoveled down a whole tub of ice cream. Alec, always being the picky one, only eats half of his before forcing it on me. Jerk. I'm gonna be so fat. Then how am I going to be appealing to Vinnie? Where the heck did that come from? No I deer.

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