10) The Short Visit

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~Cloud's POV~

"Lightning, where's all the food!?" Hope whines from the kitchen. I chuckle and shake my head as Snow freezes in mid bite of his sandwich. There was hardly any thing left in there and Snow probably stuffed himself with the rest.

"What do you mean? There was lunch stuff in there earlier!"

"No there's not!" Hope exits the kitchen and frowns at me. "You didn't eat it all, did you?"

"Nope." Then I point at Snow, who gives the teen an innocent look.

"I was hungry!"

"Light!" Hope stomps away and I roll my eyes.

"Such a drama queen."

"I know."

"Hey guys," Tifa walks into the room, cheery as usual. Lightning follows, glaring as always. "Is any one else annoyed by Hope?" She asks, sitting beside me.

"I vote to kick him out" Snow raises his hand. Tifa laughs and tries to lower it. Me and Light raise ours too. "It's settled then. Hope! A majority voted to kick you out!"

"No!" Hope calls back. "Seriously, where did my chips go?!" Snow's eyes widen as he looks at the empty bag sitting in front him and he grabs it, stuffing it down the side of his boot moments before Hope walks into the room.

"You guys suck," he grumbles before sitting on the other side of me. "What are we supposed to do? I'm bored."

"You're whiney," Lightning shoots back. "Shut up." He huffs and sinks further into the couch.

"I'm bored too," I look at her. She shrugs and grabs her sword. "Where're you going?"

"Let's go kill a few things."

"Is that all you think about?" I chuckle. She rolls her eyes and throws her Blazefire at me. I catch it and follow her outside, ignoring Hope's grumbling and Snow's teasing wink.

"Where should we go?" She cocks her head to the side once we get to the waystone.

"Are there any other towns?"

"Not really. Just bands of crazy people," she shakes her head.

"Why don't we go see Sazh and Vanille then?"

"To the chocobos we go."

We're lifted into the air and set back down in a water filled area with lots of huge, yellow birds walking around, along with these things that look like frogs win legs. Way off in the shadows I can see a familiar head of bright orange hair, and a little further off a tall green coat with an afro. A short person runs toward me, clinging to my leg.

"Cloud! Daddy! Banille! Cloud's here!"

"Dajh, you're crazy," Sazh calls, not looking back at us.

"No he's not," Lightning crosses her arms with a slight smile. Both people instantly turn around, their eyes widening at the sight of us.

"Cloud!" Vanille squeals, splashing through a few puddles during her rush over to hug me tightly. "You're back!"

"Hey Vanille," I laugh, hugging her back. She giggles and pulls away, grabbing my hands as she jumps excitedly.

"Don't forget that he's mine," Lightning smirks, pushing Sazh's hand away from her hair as he ruffles it playfully.

"Guess you're not crazy after all, Dajh," the pilot chuckles. "How'd you get here, kid?"

"I tripped," I admit, a little embarrassed at my clumsiness.

"Like Hope, eh?"

"Yeah. I guess so."

"Are you the only one?" Vanille continues bouncing.

"Nope. Tifa and Vincent got drafted along with me."


"I don't think so?" I cringe


Sazh laughs and lifts Dajh onto his shoulders.

"We should go see Fang sometime, eh Vanille?"

"She said she didn't want to see me anymore though," she says sadly.

"No she didn't. She said she wanted to be left alone for awhile," Light crosses her arms. "And if Snow got to go without any trouble, you should be able to too."

"Really?" She brightens. "Sazh, can we go?!"

"You can, I gotta watch that green chocobo so it don't run away again."

"Alright!" She skips toward the stone and touches it. "Take us to Oerba, please!"

I look around in wonder at the rusty but lively town. Fang sure did a good job. Lightning frowns when she sees a red splatter on the pavement, but eventually moves on to follow us.

"Where would she be?" I look around.

"In our old apartment, I think," Vanille says, skipping even faster toward a tall building and rushing up the metal stairs. She crashes into a tall person and nearly falls backward, but they catch her by the wrist at the last second.



"... Vanille."

"How are you?! I haven't seen you in forever and now Cloud's here and Tifa too... Is Fang here!?"

"She is not well," he shrugs.

"What do you mean?" She frowns, worried.

"It's rather difficult to explain."

"What's that?" Her eyebrows furrow and she reaches up to touch his neck. He jerks away and instinctively steps back. "Did Fang do that?" No reply. She huffs irritably and stomps into the room, but Vincent's eyes merely show his amusement at her frustration. I shake my head at him in teasing disapproval before getting dragged in by Light.


"That you Vanille? Haven't seen you in awhile, Missy!"

"Are you alright?"

"Just fine. How're the birds?"

"Wonderful! We got a green one using all the things Cloud taught us on Gaia, and now we want to try for Gold, which is really hard!"

"Good luck with that, then. Alec, Frill, Sonyeh, and Ayana, these oddballs are Vanille, Cloud, and Lightning."

"Nice to meet ya!" Alec grins. Sonyeh nods with a smile, and Ayana hides behind Frill, who's frowning at us.

"Fang, dear, you're sick again. You might not want to.."

"Yeah yeah, I know. Just... Okay guys, try coming back maybe next week? Sorry Vanille."

"Are you alright?" The girl asks again.

"Fine. It's just a bug. Now go back before I give you the terribleness that I'm suffering from."

"Alright. See you in a little while," Vanille nods and scurries out. Light shrugs and follows her. I nod toward Alec and walk back outside toward Vincent.

"Don't let her smack you around too much, Vince." The corner of his mouth lifts slightly in his classic 'I'm afraid to smile' smile. I honestly hope Fang forgives him for his cautiousness and that he let sher in because that poor guy will be trying the rest of his life to win her over. They do have forever after all.



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