The Mention Of Sex

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Scott: When ever you mention the word "sex", in any context, he will smirk at you and then pin you to the closest wall there is and whipser, "My room in half an hour.". All the while you just laugh because you didn't mean it like that.

Stiles: When you mention sex Stiles usually blushes a little and then trys to change the suject, no matter how much he wants to have sex with you. It's annoying really, but you know it's because Stiles' father is down stairs and you don't want to get caught.

Jackson: When you decide to mention sex to Jackson he's instantly attacking you with kisses, his hands exploring your body, and you always giggle because you know he always does this. "Jackson, I didn't mean right now!" You usually giggle and Jackson stops, sulking in the process.

Derek: When ever you mention the word "sex" Derek just stares at you, as if contemplating what to do next. It's not like he's a hormonal teenager so he can control himself but you can usually hear him mutter to himself, "Soon...damn soon."

Isaac: When you mention sex to Isaac he's very sweet but also a little cocky and hormonal; he'll usually smirk and kiss you on your forehead and say, "When ever you're ready babe." He'll then wink at you and resume what he was doing before.

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