The Silent Treatment

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Scott: The two of you were curled up on Scott's couch watching a movie. Both of you had wanted to see it in the cinema but Stiles had beat you to it and arranged something with Scott first, but that didn't matter now because now it was just you, your boyfriend and an awesome DVD.

An action packed scene illuminated the room and you gasped as one of the main characters did something both shocking and brave.

"Oh my God I love him so such, he's amazing!" You squealed and leaned closer to the television.

"Ehh he's not that great, he dies." Scott responded and suddenly realised he'd just gave away a massive spoiler.

You turned to him, glaring at him harshly. You got up from the couch and paused the movie; you stood right in front of the television and just stared at your boyfriend.

"Y/N!" He whined and got up off of the couch, "I didn't mean to I swear! Can we just watch the movie now?"

You smirked, wanting him to feel bad about spoilering the movie for you. Shaking your head no, you playfully pushed him away from you.

"Y/N are you now giving me the silent treatment? I didn't mean to spoiler it!" He moaned like a little 5 year old that didn't get his way. You nearly laughed but you managed to keep your composure and just shrugged.

Suddenly, Scott was the one smirking, "You know I can make you talk right? I can make you yell my name..."

He grabbed you and tackled you to the floor, tickling you everywhere. You were in fits of giggles, clearly not staying silent. You hit him and tried to push him off of you but it was no use. "SCOTTTTTT! STOP IT!"

"Ha ha I made you talk!"

Stiles: "Look it doesn't matter anymore alright? It doesn't matter because I'm giving you the silent treatment." You said to your boyfriend. The two of you had got into a petty argument due to something stupid, you couldn't really remember how it had started anymore. You were sure it was something to do with superheroes...or was it about the supernatural? Or maybe which supermarket is better than the other? Well, whatever had started this fight, it was super annoying.

"The silent treatment?! Really, you're gonna give me the silent treatment?"

"Yeah I am, okay?" You glared at him and he chuckled. The two of you were both stood up, standing opposite each other in a Mexican-stand-of type of way in Stiles' room. Maybe you should have been mature and tried to stop this argument but it was kinda fun, and none of your arguments with Stiles were serious anyway.

"Well that didn't sound very silent to me Y/N! To me, it sounded like the exact opposite of the silent treatment." He smirked at you and you ran a hand through your hair in annoyance. He always retaliated back at you and of course - with you being you - you just had to respond.

"SHUT UP STILES, I'M TRYING TO GIVE YOU THE SILENT TREATMENT SO STOP TALKING!" A smile nearly creeped onto your face as you yelled, you knew you were totally failing at this.

"Make me."

Stiles, stepping closer, winked at you and you turned on your heel, walking out of the room. Damn it, you were never good at having "arguments" and you definitely weren't good at the silent treatment.


You both laughed, playfully yelling "shut up" at each other.

Jackson: You'd had an argument, a full blown argument. It was crazy; you and Jackson had never fought like this before and now the dust had settled a little. You wanted to apologise for all the hurtful things you had yelled at him only hours ago, but you couldn't. He had really hurt you with what he had said - sure, maybe he was stressed about finding a job and practicing for lacrosse but that didn't mean he had to take it out on you.

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