Your Best Friend

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Scott: Danny is your best friend, you've known each other since kindergarten so you've grown up together. You're constantly with each other but it doesn't bother your boyfriend Scott because of Danny's sexuality, which means Danny won't steal you from him.

Stiles: Like Stiles, you are very socially awkward so you didn't really have a best friend until you met Stiles; the two of you were peas in a pod. So, as all clichéd love stories fell in love with your best friend Stiles, and he fell for you, and the two of you started dating. Stiles is your best friend, without a doubt.

Jackson: Allison is your best friend, as soon as she arrived at Beacon Hills the two of you just hit it off and you were instantly best friends. Although there is a little bit of tension between Allison and Jackson...considering she's a werewolf hunter and manage to keep the peace between them.

Derek: Your best friend is in Derek's pack so he's happy she's your best friend. Although Erica may annoy him sometimes, Derek gets along well with your best friend. Erica and you are an unusual pairing, considering you're so different, but your friendship is really strong.

Isaac: Much to Isaac's amusement, Stiles is your best friend. Isaac thinks Stiles is hilarious so they're always cracking jokes and pulling pranks on eath other, which is good because you love to see them being friends. You've known Stiles for ages and you tell him everything, so when you met Isaac you told Stiles that Isaac was "the one".

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