Classes Together

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Scott: The two of you are in the same Physical Education class...which means you hardly get to talk. Coach is always yelling at Scott to work harder so you decide to stay away.

Stiles: You guys have Math together, which is great because the two of you solve the equations together quicker than any other student. You work together all the time, which is cute in a geeky way.

Jackson: You and Jackson have Economics together, which is kinda boring, but you and Jackson manage to cope through it by sending little notes to each other through out the class.

Derek: Although Derek doesn't go to school, the two of you end up doing a lot of things that you've learnt during Sex Education when you're alone ;)

Isaac: The two of you have English together and although Isaac isn't very good at the subject, you both always study together so you can help him get his grade up.

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