Chapter 6

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'I always think about you and how we don't speak enough.'


She stood on platform nine alone, just like she had the year prior. Half-mindedly, she was looking for the train her sister would arrive home on, the other part of her was looking for a certain head of raven black hair.

She had foolishly hoped she would see him once again, she had hoped she would be able to speak to him, she had so many more questions to ask him now her mind had enough time to process everything that happened that night.

Her searching proved worthless, however, when she heard the deafening screech of a train, and smoke filled the platform. Seconds later she found herself inclosed in a wave of people, her gaze being forced away from the wall she had seen them disappear into only last year.

"Hey!" She turned at the sound of a cheerful voice, and before her gaze could focus on who was in front of her she stumbled back from a strong impact. Her mouth getting filled with chocolate brown hair that was identical to her own, "I missed you so much!"

Cassandra's tense body relaxed at the sound of her sister's voice, and she let her body fall into her arms, "I missed you too." She admitted.

After the two slowly pulled away from the hug, Eva looked over her sister with flustered cheeks, "I swear to God, it was only like two months ago I saw you and now you're the same height as me."

Cassandra laughed slightly, rolling her chocolate eyes, "I was the same height as you when you left, you're so dramatic." Moving around her, Cassandra walked further back onto the platform to move Eva's luggage from where she had abandoned in her hazy.

As her footing stumbled she let out a small shriek, the suitcase landed with a loud 'thud' against the floor, her head harshly hit against the person behind her, "Oh shit - sorry!" Quickly spinning on her heels, her brown hair whipping in her face, she turned to see a tall blond boy looking down at her in distaste, "Sorry - I'm a clutz - I'm Cassandra by the way."

Cassandra held out her hand, awkwardly drawing it back when the boy looked at her and rolled his eyes, "I don't care what your name is." He said, rolling his eyes and turning away. Cassandra watched him, with wide eyes and shock, plastered onto her face, she heard Eva stifle a laugh behind her.

"Still a clutz then?" She asked, a soft giggle bubbling in her throat.

Spinning on her heel, Cassandra glared at her, "Shut up."


Over the past few months, it was obvious an unspoken silence had crept over them. The news had transformed into a smokescreen of names, faces of people that had gone missing, parents had grown wearier over their children, drawing in their curfew hours before dark.

The William household was no different, unlike unusual her parents would rush to the television at six o'clock, dreading to see the list of faces that would appear beside the newsreaders. A large misconception was that these disappearances had something in common, Sirius. Although she had a mighty feeling the darkness had washed over from the wizarding world.

"Twenty four," Her mother said with a sigh, a long-gone cold cup of tea resting between her palms, "That's the highest yet."

"Don't you think it's a bit strange?" Eva asked, her body merely perched on the edge of the armchair closest to the door, she rested her head in the palms of her hands, "They are blaming the disappearance of twenty-four people all over the country on one man?"

"They think he might be a part of some sort of gang." Her father merely answered, prying his gaze away from the faces that looked back at them sorrowfully, "They've been looking for links he might've had to other people - although it's like he came out of nowhere, no records of family members, or even a school."

"I wouldn't be surprised if half of the country isn't wiped out within a year - Nova! I thought you were doing homework?" Nova got banished from the living room every night at six o'clock, her parents both thought the news was too dark, too dangerous, for her to be listening to with the current state of the country."

"I finished all of my work last night!" She said with a sigh, "I want to know what's happening - everyone at school is talking about disappearances? I want to know what's happening - I'm not a child!"

"Yes, you are." Her mother concluded sternly, "When I was your age I didn't even want to watch the news!"

"That's when they weren't a mass murder on the loose," Nova sighed, "Point is, I would really like to know what is happening in the world."

Her father looked down at his lap, picking the dry skin at the edge of his fingernails, "Wouldn't we all."


Began Writing 21/12/20 16:31

Published 14/01/21 17:38

This chapter is the definition of terrible, but I needed more to happen before I start the drama, therefore get excited! Sorry for the wait as well.
I also didn't proof read so.... sorry not sorry 😬

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