Chapter 1

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'He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe'

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'He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe'


Cassandra Williams was a beautiful girl; with her shoulder-length, wavy, brown hair, and doe chocolate eyes that were always open wide with curiosity, alongside the freckles that were delicately dotted across her nose, hiding her beautifully tanned skin.

She was a curious girl, always watching people closely, studying actions and patterns on that person's life. Where, once again, on the first September Cassandra was leaning against the wall by platform nine, waiting patiently for her sister's train to arrive.

"We're going to be late! The train leaves exactly at 11 o'clock!" A plump redhead woman panicked as she rushed by the girl.

Cassandra saw the woman and her family every year, and every year they were rushing for their train that they were so-called late for. Cassandra chuckled to herself, the trains never leave on time; Cassandra knew that for a fact, considering her sister's train was suppose to arrive ten minutes earlier.

She studied the redhead family, the mother rushing ahead; she was shouting of her three sons and daughter who where rushing behind, along with two more; it was clear these two wasn't members of the family, for the girl had bushy, brown hair and the boy raven, black hair. At the very back of the group was the father, he was gazing around at the train station in amazement.

Cassandra watched the family, studying the two identical twins as they taunted and pushed their mother to the extreme as the group stopped. The mother spoke something: inaudible to the girl who leaned against the pillar across from them, and then - to her utter amazement - the two twins pushed their trolleys through the wall between platforms nine and ten.

The father's eyes scanned around, he was checking nobody was watching, that was when his warm blue eyes met the shocked brown of the young teenage girl (whose mouth was open in shock and amazement.)

The older man turned to his wife and whispered something in her ear - as the small redhead girl followed her brothers through the wall - the wife turned and looked at the girl, alongside the three remaining on the platform. As the older man began towards the girl, she spun on her heels.

Cassandra weaved through the crowds of people and away from the strange family. Her pathway was stopped by a strange-looking man with mousy brown hair, his chubby body covered in what seemed to be a long dark red robe, "Excuse me, Miss. I was wondering if you could come with me?" The man asked politely, his smile creasing into the wrinkles on his aged face.

"I-I'm waiting for my sister." Cassandra stuttered out, slowly backing away from the man.

"I'm sure she'll be fine awhile without you." The man continued, as the redhead approached behind her. Cassandra looked at them both in fear, they continued to walk her towards the stations' car park.

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