Chapter 2

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'I've been told to get you off my mind'

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'I've been told to get you off my mind'


They thought she was crazy. On several occasions, Cassandra had gone berserk trying to prove that witches and wizards did in-fact walk among them. Of course nobody believed her, they claimed her insane, and - much to her parent's regret - sent her to an insane asylum after her obsessive nature.

Cassandra didn't believe she was insane, she had vivid memories of a redhead family running through a wall, and people dressed in robes with pointed hats.

It was eight months after the incident when Cassandra had been allowed to return home. Except, now, she had to attend 'psychological therapy', for apparently they believed she had formed an 'Obsessive Compulsive Disorder' where she created a theory in her head and then convinced herself that it was real.

She had found her new favourite pass-time was to wander the streets and allow her mind to process all the thoughts she had swimming through her head. As July arrived, so did the heat, Cassandras long walks to her therapy lessons took longer, thanks to the sweltering heat from the sun that shone harshly down on the soft British grass, causing it to die and turn a pastel brown.

One particular day, according to the plump man on her families television that morning, the sun was the warmest on record, Therefore during the long walk home from one of her many therapy lessons, Cassandra found herself taking a detour and climbing over the locked gate to a disregarded park.

The park was small, with broken swings and graffiti covering what reminded, Cassandra walked past and sat on the dry, brown grass, her back resting against the blue-chipped paint fence, that lined the park.

She carelessly twiddled a strand of grass between her fingers, her eyes watching the shadows on the ground. When a shadow began to move she looked up in confusion, before her eyes rested on a teenage boy who had came into the park just like her and was swinging carelessly back and fourth on one of the none broken swings.

Her eyes scanned the boy, from his scruffy trainers, to his large blue t-shirt, and then - she furrowed her eyes on confusion, why did he look so familiar?

Then it hit her, Cassandra sat up straighter, of cause she would recognise that face. She had being playing that day in her head constantly for an entire year.

He was one of the people from the train station.

Her eyes glared onto him, eventually causing him to glance warily in her direction. They stayed like this for several moments; watching the other in confusion, and looking away when they looked at them.

Eventually, the curiosity got too much, Cassandra found herself standing up. Sweating slightly from the blazing sun she approached the boy, "Are you a wizard?"

The boy seemed to reel back in shock, before looking at the brunette with furrowed eyebrows, "you where at the train station that day, weren't you?"

Cassandra looked at the boy for a moment, before slowly nodding her head, "Are you a wizard?" When the boy didn't answer, Cassandra breathed heavily in distress, "please, I know something happened that day; I just don't know what. Please, I need to know I'm not going mad. I need someone to believe me."

The boy parted his lips, looking at her in confusion, "I thought they obliviated you."

Cassandra cocked her head to the side, "Obliviated me?" She asked, "what does that mean."

"You're a muggle, aren't you?"

"A what-"

The boy stood up, looking at her closely, "How do you still remember?"

Cassandra reeled back in confusion, as the boy seemed to pat her pockets for something, "Excuse me? Get off me-"

"Sorry, sorry." The boy apologised, awkwardly holding out his hand for her to shake, "what's your name?"

"Cassandra, Cassandra Williams."

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter." The boy smiled, Cassandra cautiously shook his hand.


The two outcasts became fast friends, meeting up in the park several days a week; whilst Harry hadn't yet learnt to trust the girl with his darkest secrets, she seemed to be perfectly comfortable with telling him hers.

She told him all about her therapy sessions, due to everyone around her thinking she's mad after talking incessantly about seeing witches and wizards, and how her twin sister would listen to her and try to tell her how barmy everything she was saying was - whilst her older sister would just furrow her eyebrows and laugh every time she was home and heard the girl try to explain what she had seen on that dreadful day.

Harry had neither confessed, or denied anything to her, but some how it still helped. She could talk to him without him looking at her like she was crazy (which most people had being doing the last few months.)

It was almost as though he knew what she was talking about; like he had seen everything. But every time she would ask him if he was a wizard, he would simply not answer.

Whilst she was happy she had now found a friend to vent to, she was more aggravated than ever; she needed answers, and she would do everything in her power to get them.


Began Writing:17/07/20 23:50
Published:15/08/20 12:44
Words: 900

An addition to the casting I should've added at the beginning is Danielle Campbell as Nova Williams.

Sorry for the wait, hopefully I'll publish a chapter once a month from now on.

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