Not an update

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Hi, sorry if you thought this was an update cause it's not.
I do have a chapter ready I just need to edit it though.

Basically, this book will always have slow updates, I intended to write loads and hopefully get at leanest 20 chapters written by the end of December....I wrote like 2.

Anyway, everyday people read this book then comment 'update pleaseeee' or something and I LOVE that because it means you like kind've enjoy my writing or something.

But, although I love this book I'm never going to be fast at updating it, and I was wondering if you would like me to remove this book, write it all, then when I've finished writing and editing it begin publishing it again, or if you're all happy with slow updates.

And I mean REALLY slow updates, like I'll publish the next chapter soon but after that who knows when I'll have inspiration, I'm using the writing it all before publishing method on another book, but I don't want to take this book down if you all don't mind slow updates.

Thanks if you read this, I'd really appreciate your feedback - even if you're reading this MONTHS after I posted this.

Thank you :)

P.S. this is not me saying I don't like this book because I LOVE it and I have so much planned for Cassandra and her sisters!

*This chapter is not proof read*

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