Day Two

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(August 16th, about 10:00 AM, 1969 Bethel, NY)

Your heart was beating out of your ears, the throbbing pain startling you awake with a grunt as you rustled under the weight of the blankets and your mountain man snoring next to you.

The sun was high in the sky, the bustling of people getting the second day ready to rock 'n' roll as the heat sizzled the remaining mud-covered meadow to dust once again.

"U-ughhhh," you relented, shoving your heavy head into Flip's chest, wishing the ache would subside as you became more aware of the side effects of your first night.

"Well, good morning to you too, butterfly," he grumbled, shifting to embrace your body in his more as he pulled the dark blanket to hide the sun rays peeking through to the tent in the truck.

Chuckling as he felt you bury into his tits deeper, groaning in response to his sarcasm, "don't even right now, cowboy," wrapping your arms around his waist as he sleepily kissed your crown, a huge hand enveloping the back of your mangled hair.

"I didn't say shit honey," he whispered, trying to stifle a giggle only to realize his head was pounding too, but not from the obscene alcohol consumption. The cramped space of the truck bed didn't allow for a very comfy stay, especially when all six-foot-three of him was concerned. His muscles ached from accommodating himself and you clinging to him the entirety of the night didn't bode well with his sleep schedule.

He craved a cigarette to stifle the throbbing, shifting as he tried to keep his shoulder under your body from falling asleep. He waited for the right moment to let you go, even though he didn't want to leave the comfort of you.

"What the fuck time is it?" lifting your head all too fast to make yourself practically gag.

"Woah there," he shifted to hold your bobbing head, "don't go pukin' all over the tent butterfly," he smiled, rubbing circles with his thumbs on your temples as he watching your mouth drop open from the relief of his touch.

"It's just after ten, honey," he whispered, bringing his face to kiss your forehead as you melted into his massage, moaning in pain and pleasure from the entire experience. 

"God!" you opened your eyes wide, moving to shift yourself upright, again faster than you should have, stifling the bile from rising in your throat as you gagged over the tailgate of the truck "I-I need to g-get," barely groaning out as you released the contents from your stomach, "ready."

"Jesus fuckin' Christ, Y/N," he rubbed the bridge of his nose, gripping his craved cigarette in his mouth as he lit it in front of you, "you need to relax today, honey, you're fuckin' tired. I can see it on your face," inhaling a drag as he watched you wipe your lip and get off the bed to grab some of your clothes from your bag.

"I can't relax, Phil!" you gestured with your effects in your hands, "I have to take in everything! This is probably the only opportunity I'll ever have to do something like this again," grabbing your toothbrush to go to the river beside the meadow to wash yourself up.

"Hold on!" he grunted, getting his huge ass down from the tailgate, the whole truck shaking as his weight came off of it, "I'll go with ya!" heading to grab all of his shit, ashing his butt out on the ground as he stumbled towards you.

"Got everything honey?" holding your hand out as you smiled at your handsome man, the both of you gripping each other as you trudged down the hill towards the babbling brook shimmering in the hot sunshine.

"Nope!" he remarked, a smug grin falling over his face as you stopped dead in your tracks.

"What do you mean 'nope', you have all your shit right there?" gesturing at his faded jeans and Bill's t-shirt in his fingers. He inched in close, gripping the small of your back as he lowered his lips to yours, the smell of his nicotine piercing your nostrils.

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