Super Bowl IV

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"Honey," you called from the garage, your puppies whining as they begged for you to put the scoops of food in their bowls while you scrambled to get the snacks ready for the big game.

"Yes, butterfly," he echoed back, his tone slightly condescending as he was getting an entire thirty rack to fit into the outdoor fridge, cigarette flailing from his mouth while he lifted his head to knock it on the top of the ceiling of the cabinet.

"Mother fucker!" rubbing his skull as he sucked another cloud of smoke into his lungs, exhaling to lift himself up to his full height.

"Did you remember to get ice?" yelling from the kitchen while you clanged platters to set on the island, placing gloves on your hands to cut the fresh jalapenos for some poppers, "I don't think we have enough for all the drinks people are gonna want."

"I got three huge bags in the freezer right now honey," he boomed, shutting the chest with a hard slam as the clatter of Banquets in his thick fingers echoed from the chilly garage.

"Okay, I'll call Patrice and tell her to bring two more just in case," picking up the line from the wall and setting it on your shoulder as you slathered some bacon cream cheese spread in the peppers.

He stumbled in, nursing the back of his head while he ashed out his cigarette, your babies running to sniff his boots, "Y/N, we don't need more. It's already cold as fuck in the garage and I bet we won't go through that much with everyone here," hissing as he tripped over Waddles, begging to be picked up and loved by his daddy.

"Well, it's better to be prepared than not... Hey! It's me, can you and Ron pick up two more bags of ice to bring over?" pushing the receiver under your chin and glancing up to see your man cuddling one of your babies in his big hands.

"Yeah... I think that would be just fine... Oh, we bought a huge rack of that, but if you think you wanna bring more I'm sure the boys wouldn't hate having a surplus of beer around," chuckling as you watched him litter Flip's face with kisses and licks, Checkers now crying to get the same attention as his brother.

"Oh, I got you, trust me... I have two huge bottles of wine for us girls," gesturing for him to fill a glass for you upon remembering, "I think we're good so far... and it's gonna be a packed house," silently thanking him with a peck as he handed the glass to you, patting your ass and giving it a squeeze while he slid into the garage again to pop open a beer.

"Well, I know that Phil and I have our Chiefs gear on and ready to go," looking down to make sure the oven was preheated enough for the poppers, sliding them in and shooing little noses away from the door as you set the timer, "I think Bridges and his wife are Vikings fans though," sticking your tongue out in a playful way.
"Either way it's gonna be a good time," bringing the line to the fridge to grab the veggie and fruit trays out, removing the saran wrap while you heard him turn the TV in the living room on, the pre-game show blaring.

"Okay, I'll see you soon babe," placing the receiver back on the wall before taking a huge swig of wine again. The puppies moving from the kitchen to the couch upon hearing his big ass slump down on it.

"Cowboy," he rolled his eyes again, finally settled with the kids on his lap.

"Yes honey," he cooed back, wondering what you needed him to do now. He had been running all over town with you the entire weekend. So much so, the people at the grocery store knew him by his first name and grouchy face, which he despised at this point. 

"You wanna do a shot with me before everyone gets here and drinks our booze?" leaning on the entryway to the dining room with a gorgeous smile when you saw him light up like you were naked in front of him.

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