Day Three

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The night was restless again for both of you. Filled with tossing, turning, heavy sighs, snoring, grunting, and sleepy kisses. The rain had stopped after Revival had finished their set, the majority of the crowd dissipating while the weather changed as well as the fact that they didn't end until just after two in the morning.

Flip and you fumbled with the sheets in the truck, trying to find the most comfortable spots as the night droned on and on. Wishing for the release of sleep you finally sat up at about four to ease yourself off the end of the truck as you heard your lumberjack snoring quite loudly.

Your platforms dug into the Earth as you gazed upward towards the heavens, the array of stars and blackness of night laying a beautiful dreamlike blanket amongst the tents below. You inhaled the fresh morning air, watching the trees sway in a gentle breeze as it gave you a chill from the gust.

You looked back at him, no doubt in a very uncomfortable position, but finally sleeping soundly as you lifted your ass off the tailgate. You sauntered over to the tent, removing your shoes and the rest of the clothing you had worn the entirety of that day to bare your nudity to the breeze. Your nipples standing at attention as the bite from the August wind came up before you ducked down into the tent.

You huddled up in the sleeping bag, the faint scent of him lingering on the cotton pillow he'd rested on the day prior. Nuzzling yourself into it as you let out the heaviest sigh, finally drifting off to deep sleep.

Not even thirty minutes had elapsed when you felt another body plop into the tent. His hulking body clad in only his boxers stumbled in grunting as he ashed out a cigarette and rubbed the back of his neck as he sat upwards in the entrance.

Trying with all of his might to be as quiet as possible as he ruffled with the bag, exposing your nudity to him. He smirked, letting out a gasp as he watched your sleeping form rise and fall with your breaths. Bending down to press soft kisses down your arm, watching as your fingers twitched from his lips kissing every knuckle.

He finally settled in, pushing himself flush with your back, his half hardened cock pressed against your curves. You subconsciously pressed back into him as he caged you in his arms, kissing the back of your neck as he tried to fall back to sleep.

His body relaxed in on you, your breaths synchronously coming in and out as you drifted into a more rested sleep. The light breeze lulling both of you back into dreamland as his heated form kept you from shuddering.

Another thirty minutes. Deep into your sleep cycle again, the sun hadn't even peaked over the hills yet. The ear-shattering wail of a guitar riff penetrated the entire meadow.

On top of the sky is a place where you go,
If you've done, nothing wrong
If you've done nothing wrong.
And down in the ground is a place where you go
If you've been a bad boy
If you've been a bad boy.
Why can't we have eternal life
And never die
Never die.
"What the fuck?!" he shot up out of a dead sleep, the scowl on his face a clear indication of the feelings he had for The Who, who had just taken the stage far too early for his liking.
"It's fucking too early for this shit!" he screamed out of the tent, the crowd gathering in hoards as they began to play even louder for the masses.
"Honey!" you begged him to get back in the tent, the cold of the morning emitting through as you gripped the sleeping bag over your tits, your sleep ridden eyes barely able to keep open even in the blackness of the dawn, "please! Just get back in here! We can just rest while they play!"
"No! Fuck that shit!" throwing a few empties out of the tent as he gripped his pack of cigarettes, lighting one with a shaking hand, "I can't fuckin' sleep! I can't fuckin' be comfortable! This is the goddamn worst fuckin' shit I've ever fuckin' done!" kicking things as he inhaled a drag punching the empty cardboard box of the Coors from the night before.
"Flip! Stop it!" you pleaded with tears in your eyes, easing out of the tent as you had wrapped the bag around you to help him calm down slightly.
"Y/N! I'm fuckin' done! I love you but I cannot be here!" he stormed off into the woods, cursing and flipping off the now very vocal crowd as the drum beats penetrated the morning air.
The sun was just beginning to peek out of the hills as you watched him leave in a cloud of nicotine smoke. You broke down then. The waves of tears emitting down your face in an exhausted cry.
I've got a feeling twenty-one
Is going to be a good year
Especially if you and me
See it in together
So you think twenty-one
Is going to be a good year
It could be good for me and her
But you and her, no never
I had no reason
To be over optimistic
But somehow when you smiled
I can brave bad weather
'You're so fucking stupid Y/N,' softly sobbing as you huddled in your sleeping back, watching the crowds sway and sing along to 1921 in the morning glow of the sun.
'He's not coming back,' wiping your face as you audibly cried a pained gasp from your chest, 'you don't mean jack fucking shit to him,' the anxiety building up as you talked yourself out of the entire relationship, trying to save your heart for a possible end before the final act of the day.
'You're just some dumbass girl to him and you dragged him to his hell and drove him away, just like you do with everyone else in your sorry ass life,' your heart physically hurting as your thoughts penetrated your guts, causing huge shallow breaths to leave your body.
"Fuck!" crying out loud as you watched the happy faces dancing in the sun rays, the smell of drugs permeating the meadow again as they crowded more and more into the field.
Patrice came out of her and Ron's tent, adjusting his dress as she saw the scene before her. She turned to see you huddled in a sack, a completely disheveled mess.
"Holy shit!" she ran over in her heels, bending her figure to meet your eye line, "what the hell's wrong, Y/N?!" rubbing your shoulders as you gasped for air.
"Just calm down, honey," she cooed taking you in her arms, Ron running over after he saw her panic.
"What the hell's goin' on?" stunned at your sobbing on the ground, "where's Z?" frantically looking for his friend as he heard your cries muffle in the shoulder of Patrice.
"H-he l-left," you stuttered out, barely able to get the words out as both of them dropped their jaws at your admission.
"What the fuck do ya mean 'he left'?" itching the side of his face as he looked at his truck parked in the place it had been the entire weekend, noticing his clothes everywhere and a few bashed-in boxes surrounding yourself.
I used to know everything about you
But today when I tried to point you out to one of my friends
I picked the wrong girl again
Don't see you in the crowd anymore
I think it's you but I can't be sure
You're wearing disguises
Occasionally a girl surprises me
When she turns out to be you
Wearing disguises
"Ron, go try an' find him," she shooed him away as another round of your cries echoed in her chest, "Y/N, please honey," lifting your face to meet hers, rubbing her thumbs along your cheeks to give the softest smile.
"Let's getcha dressed baby," she cooed, watching another silent stream leave your tired eyes, "come on!" she slapped her thighs as she reached for your hands to help you up.
"Oh, honey," your tit exposed to God and everyone as you shot up, dizzy from the speed of the rise, "let's just cover that," she softly pulled the bag to cover you back up as she led your blurred eyes to the tent again.
"Tell me everything," she whispered amongst the choruses and the guitar wails, getting your clothes for the day out as you shuddered from the air touching your skin again, "what happened?" airing out your top and bottoms as you tried your best to wipe your face with some baby wipes.
Taking a deep breath as you removed the makeup leftover, "we both have had a h-hard t-time sleeping this entire w-weekend," stammering out as you finished wiping the remainder of the mascara from your chin.
"And?" she coaxed on, handing your shirt over to you, "and, I think he's not been having the best time here," finally evening out your breaths enough as you kept going on and on.
"That don't excuse him walkin' out," she tsked, rolling her eyes at his childish tantrum, "I think the fact that the music started so early was the final nail for him," sliding your pants on as Acid Queen came over the speakers.
If your child ain't all he should be now
This girl will put him right
I'll show him what he could be now
Just give me one night
I'm the gypsy, the acid queen
Pay me before I start
I'm the gypsy and I'm guaranteed
To mend his aching heart
Give us a room, close the door
Leave us for a while
You won't be a boy no more
Young, but not a child
I'm the gypsy, the acid queen
Pay me before I start
I'm the gypsy, I'm guaranteed
To tear your soul apart
"Again... That don't excuse shit honey," as she helped you slip your heels on, grabbing your makeup bag to hand your tools to you, "he's such a damn grump sometimes it's infuriating... I don't even know how you handle it, Y/N," chucking as she shook her head towards you. Your mouth hung open as you applied the perfect amount of mascara to your lashes, wiping the excess moisture from the ends of your lids as she kept talking about him.
"I mean," smoothing out the sleeping bag as she watched you apply some light shadow and blush, "you think you wanna be with someone like him? Like forever?" you paused, looking straight into her gaze as you tumbled around the box that appeared in the front of your brain.
"I-I," you stammered, fumbling through your bag for your gloss, the tears falling out again as you cursed your stupid emotions, "I d-don't even k-know if he l-loves me that m-much," breaking completely down again as she hurried to your side, picking your face up from her chest as she calmed you back down.
"Y/N, honey, you're ruinin' your makeup again," wiping the black streams away as she grabbed her handkerchief from her pocket, "I think he loves ya just fine... He's just... Set in his grumpy goddamn ways that's all," grabbing the hairbrush to run through your hair as she talked soothingly to you.
"Did somethin' else happen?" she watched as you gathered your thoughts again, applying some more gloss and fixing your mascara and liner again, "you don't seem as... Cheery as ya usually are," her tone very alarmed at your swinging emotions.
"I-I think," you trembled, the wand end of your gloss shaking in your fingers as you thought of the stupid fucking box, "I-I think he's got a r-ring," you stammered out, quivering as you almost puked at thought of even bringing it up.
"You think he's got a ring?" her eyebrow quirked, shaking her head again, "how the hell do ya think that honey?" turning to meet her gaze head-on again, grabbing her hands in yours as you took a deep breath again.
"When he was passed out from the other day... I went through his pockets and... found a box," biting your lips as another round of wetness welled in your eyes, "I don't really know for sure if that's what it is... But I think he's been tryin' to do something all weekend and he won't..." a single stream fell as you gathered what was happening. He must be getting cold feet, especially seeing how you behaved here. You drugged him when he didn't want it, dragged him across the country to listen to music he didn't like all while he held your hair back while you puked your damn guts out after acting like he didn't exist for most of the time here. Of course, he wouldn't propose. Why the fuck would he want to be with someone as irresponsible and immature as you were?
"Ya think he's just holdin' out for the right moment?" she snapped you out of your thoughts again, "I mean he's very particular about shit... If ya couldn't already tell," watching as you chuckled and cried.
"No," you whispered, a deep shuttered breath leaving, "I don't deserve him... and I think he's figured it out finally," biting the end of your lip until it bled as Patrice whispered sweet nothings to make you take back the words.
He seems to be completely unreceptive
The tests I gave him show no sense at all
His eyes react to light the dials detect it
He hears but cannot answer to your call
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
See me, feel me, touch me, heal me
There is no chance no untried operation
All hope lies with him and none with me
Imagine though the shock from isolation
When he suddenly can hear and speak and see
"Z?!" Ron called out into the woods as he followed the familiar boot and nicotine trail, "come out man! Where'd ya go?!" squinting his eyes as he got a glimpse of Flip, shirtless in his jeans, cigarette falling out of his mouth unlit as he bashed the trunk of a tree with his bloodied fists.
"Mother fu-!" he ran full speed to stop his pal from causing any more damage as he tried to bring him out of his angered haze, "Z! What the fuck man?!" eyes bugging out of his head as he saw his shredded hands covered in splinters and sweat.
"This ain't about you rookie!" he spat, lighting his cigarette with a shaking hand, the blood dripping onto his pale chest as he took a deep inhale, rubbing his sweaty temples, "I-I'm sorry man I didn't me-," he couldn't even finish as Ron threw his hands up in retreat.
"Don't sweat it, Z," he patted his back, watching his friend come back to Earth, "what the hell's gotcha so worked up?" leaning against the abused tree as he watched Flip run his hand through his inky locks, the moisture causing it to slick back as a cloud released from his chiseled nose.
"Man... I told myself not to fuckin'," he grunted out, the tears threatening to fall as he sucked himself back up, "I fuckin' hate it here... I know y'all love it but I fuckin' hate it... I don't understand any of it. I hate the dirt, the filth, the fuckin' people. I just want to be home. I want to be home with my fuckin' wife... and be with her and not fuckin' here," his monologue rolling out in a huge wave as Ron cocked his head back.
"Your wife, huh?" he chuckled slightly, watching as Flip froze in his tracks, "is this tantrum about the fact that ya can't get out what you want to in the proper Zimmerman setting?" he crossed his arms, taking a cigarette from Flip's pack as he ashed his out on the ground, gritting his teeth at his stupid mouth.
"Listen, Z," he took an inhale, "I get ya don't like the overall vibe here... We all were shocked ya even agreed to come. I mean if you weren't with Y/N, I know ya wouldn't have hesitated in sayin' no," chuckling as Flip let out a gust of air, rolling his eyes as his buddy spit the truth.
"But, nothin' in this world is perfect," he cooed out, "nothin', man. And there ain't one ounce of this that is worth bein' mad over... Not one single thing you did today is gonna convince her... Your proclaimed 'wife' that you love her enough to ride this last day out," watching as Flip picked the wood out of his stumps, wincing as he took in his buddy's words.
"I know you Z," he leveled with him, "and I know you're very fuckin' stubborn about what you want outta life. But sometimes... Sometimes it doesn't work out the way you need it to. Love is that way. I mean, our girls could do so much fuckin' better," laughing as he saw a smirk come over his friend too, "but I know she loves ya with all she has... and no matter the setting," he stood up to meet his eye line, gazing with the utmost seriousness in his tone, "she's gonna say yes man," patting his thick chest as he smirked again, looking back to him with tears in his eyes.
"You sure?" he practically stammered out, "I mean... I wouldn't say yes if I were her," wincing as he removed the box from his jeans, blood smearing all over it as he opened it to reveal the stunning ring.
"I know she will man," ashing out his last drag as he began to lead his buddy from the trenches to face his biggest fear.
When the truth is found to be lies
And all the joy within you dies
Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love
Love, love
When the garden flowers, baby are dead, yes and
Your mind, your mind is so full of red
Don't you want somebody to love
Don't you need somebody to love
Wouldn't you love somebody to love
You better find somebody to love
Patrice had kept your feelings at bay for the time being. The Who played out while both of you sat smoking a blunt and sipping on some beers to wash away the pain you had been feeling. Jefferson Airplane followed as both of you surveyed the gathering hoards flashing peace signs and tits to the performers as they crooned their tunes outward. The more the day dragged on though, the angrier you were becoming.
You kept toying around with the idea of throwing your own tantrum. If and when he'd return with his tail between his legs being the lesser woman and lashing out just as badly as he did to you. After that little stunt, he deserved it tenfold. 
Hopefully, Ron had talked some bit of sense into him, let alone found him in the wilderness, to say the least. Part of you hoped he would come back, but the other part was trying to accept the fact that he was over it all. You both had a good run while it lasted and it seemed the opposite views about life were beginning to come out as the honeymoon phase was ending. You knew it was about time he'd see the fatal flaws. He was a smart man... Too smart for his own good sometimes and you... you were a convict. It was doomed from the beginning.
Sun cuts loose from the frozen
Until it joins with the African sea
In moving it changes its cold and its name
The reason I come and I go is the same
Animal game for me
You call it rain
But the human name
Doesn't mean shit to a tree
And if you don't mind heat in your river and
Fork tongue talking from me
Swim like an eel fantastic snake
Take my love when it's free
Electric feel with me
You call it loud
But the human crowd
Doesn't mean shit to a tree
Looking to the heavens again as you had when the stars blanketed the sky. Noticing every single cloud that slowly flew by, the birds so high they looked like specks on the crisp blue backdrop of the atmosphere. It was a gorgeous summer day, the heat blazing as the sun beat down on the meadow. The sweat beading up on your skin as you bathed in the rays, your sunglasses flashing sparks of light as you swayed your heavy head to the tunes. The lingering smell of dust and ganja filling your nose as you took another drag of the filter you'd been sharing.
"Well hello there ladies," a familiar voice crooned out, both of you following its direction as you zeroed in on a bloodied Flip, his shirtless form showing a sheen of sweat and exhaustion as he looked straight back at you.
Ron sidled up between the both of you, taking two cans of beer out as he tossed one to your lumberjack, his knuckles hitting the cold can as he cried out in a groan from the pain.
"Can I have a drag of this?" he pointed to the burning bush in your hand as you registered his words.
"I-I... Um ya," shaking your head as you downed the rest of your beer handing the filter to him.
"Thank ya kindly," he took a huge drag, kissing Patrice as he exhaled the cloud into her waiting mouth, followed by a round of kisses. You took that as a signal to find another spot, getting off the tailgate of his truck to walk in the direction of the beat-up man you loved.
Grabbing a handful of ice in your hands, you inched your way to him, holding out the chips silently as he cracked his empty to the ground.
"T-thanks," he groaned out, watching as you rubbed the cold over his crimson fingers, the shredded skin hanging off them in a tattered mess as you surveyed the damage.
You avoided any kind of eye contact as you tenderly took to his wounds, watching his handsome chest rise and fall from your touches. The grunts and groans leaving his body were enough for you to cross your legs. Your frustrations grew the more your stupid body pined for him.
Come back baby, baby please don't go
One more time just before you hit the road
Come back baby, let's talk it over one more time
One more time, one more time

Let's talk it over one more time

Come back baby, let's talk it over one more time

A set of wolf-whistles penetrated your ears as a group of men walked by, no doubt looking at your ass in the outfit you'd chosen as you rolled your eyes through your sunglasses.

"Hey!" his booming voice called over you, "fuckin' go do that shit to someone else jack ass!" lifting his wet hand to flip off the small crowd as they shouted curses back at him. He spat on the ground, his hair flying in all different directions as his muscles tensed up even more so.

The mixture of cold water and blood splashing all over your face and shirt as you gasped from the cold, "oh shit! Honey," he cooed out, still irritated but, now touching your cheek to wipe the concoction from your face, "honey, I'm sorry," moving to kiss your nose as you sneered away from him.

"You're fuckin' what now?" your chest heaving as you gripped your hands into fists, "you're sorry?! Sorry for what?! For fuckin' bein' a jackass today?!" tears spilling out of your face as you grunted frustrated at his dumbfounded face.

"What the fuck has been your problem lately?! I know I'm not the best choice for you! I'm fucking well aware of how capable you are of finding someone else in a heartbeat! I'm so fucking sorry I'm not enough for whatever you think this shit is!" pained sobs leaving your chest as you kept with your speech, "I love you though! I'd fucking do anything for you! For your stubborn, grumpy, fuckin' insufferable ass! And I don't even think for a damn second you think that of me!" wiping the blackened tears as they came in more waves while you hyperventilated in the heat.

"If you have something to fuckin' tell me then just fuckin' do it, Phil!" gesturing with wide eyes as you watched him in complete shock slowly gather himself for the rebuttal.

"Fine!" he threw his hands up in the air, "you know what I have been dying to tell you, Y/N?!" sarcastically yelling in your face as his level was reached. The bags under his eyes as an indication of his exhaustion along with the blood loss from his hands.

Dear landlord
Please don't put a price on my soul
My burden is heavy
My dreams are beyond control
When that steamboat whistle blows
I'm going to give you all I got to give
And I do hope you receive it well
Depending on the way you feel that you live
Dear landlord
Please heed these words that I speak
I know you've suffered much
But in this you are not so unique
All of us, at times we might work too hard
To have it too fast and too much
And anyone can fill his life up
With things he can see but he just cannot touch
"I would fuckin' love to know!" dishing it back as you threw your hands into the wind too, boring your eyes into his as your chests rose a fell from the frustrations.

"You know what?!" moving to hover his face over yours, your noses practically touching as his lips formed a pout, "I fuckin' hate this! I hate all of this shit!" he yelled, tears forming in both your eyes as you readied yourself for the end.

"I hate this! But..." he paused, biting his lip as he took a heavy shallow breath, "I fucking love you! I love you so goddamn much, Y/N!" the words coming out in a painful yell as he broke down. He got down to his knees, embracing your waist in his arms as he pushed his face into your belly, the heaving sighs coming over him as his bloody hands gripped your hamstrings.

You stood there in shock, slowly placing your hands in his sweaty hair as he cried and cried into you. Finally bringing yourself together as you shushed his wails.

Seems I've got to have a change of scene
Every night I have the strangest dreams
Imprisoned by the way it could have been
Left here on my own or so it seems
I've got to leave before I start to scream
Won't someone lock the door and turn the key
Feeling alright (oh, no)
I'm not feeling too good myself (on, no)
If I feeling alright (oh, no)
I'm not feeling that good myself, yeah (oh, no)
"Flip," you whispered hearing his sobs as your kept trying to steady him, "Flip, honey, everyone is looking," hoping he'd snap out of it and pull himself together.

A small crowd was eavesdropping on the conversation as Joe Cocker played in the heat of the sunny afternoon. The noise from the stage luckily was drowning out the sobs coming from him as well as the screaming match you'd both been having.

"Fuck!" he yelled out, pulling himself away from your waist to wipe his hands on his face, "why dontcha take a picture asshole it'll last longer!" getting up to his full height again, chest heaving as he stared down the culprits listening in on his problems.

"Honey," putting your hands on his chest, "just ignore them they aren't doing anything," petting the sweat that had built up over his emotional rollercoaster.

"What the fuck are you talkin' about Y/N?" eyebrows furrowed as he gestured to the now several people looking in his direction, "everyone is fucking doin' somethin'! There's no fuckin' privacy here and I'm sick of all of this! I just want..." he drifted off huffing at his own thoughts as angry tears filled in your eyes again.

"You need to take a fuckin' chill pill," lowering your own voice an octave as your grit your teeth together.

"Oh!? I need to take a fuckin' chill pill, huh?!" the sarcasm emitting from him as he chuckled deeply, "What so, ya wanna drug my ass again so I'm easier to handle?" puffing out as he looked into your glistening eyes.

"P-Phil," you cracked out, "I-I said I was s-sorry! I didn't mean for that to happen! I-I didn't," you broke out in a sob again, mad at him and yourself for even coming to this place, to begin with.

Let's go get stoned
Let's go get stoned
When your baby won't let you in
Got a few pennies, a bottle of gin
Just call your buddy on the telephone
Let's go get stoned
Let's go get stoned
Let's go get stoned
When you work so hard all the day long
And everything you do seems to go wrong
Just drop by my place on your way home
Let's go get stoned
"You know what?" wiping your tears away as you tried to succumb to his woes, all for nothing but pain to your own feelings, "fuck you! I apologized and you forgave me for that! All I wanted to do was make you feel relaxed! I had zero fucking clue you'd react the way you did on them and I felt fucking terrible the entire day! But fuck you. Fuck you for bringing it up again because your sorry ass hates everything about this place! And you know what else?" squaring yourself up to him as his eye twitched watching you lay him out.

"I fucking love it here! I do! And I know it's not your vibe, but you said you'd follow me anywhere! Any fucking where! And I wanted to see everything and do everything with you! All you do is fucking complain though! If it's not your thing you shut yourself out!" pointing your pretty fingers at him as he watched your face flood with anger and sadness.

You took some deeps breaths and finished the rest of your monologue, "I know I'm not the type you ever wanted to be with! Trust me I fucking know! But, I love you! And if the tables were turned around on me, I would do anything you wanted me to! I would hike with you, go fucking hunting even though I don't love the idea of it! Hell, I would learn how to shoot if you taught me to! I would go to the ends of the Earth and back if it meant you'd be happy! And I would do it with a goddamn smile on my face even though I hated it! Because I know you love it, and your happiness matters to me!" backing away as you finished up with him.

"Don't chastise what I love because you can't understand it, Phil," shying away as you headed back towards Patrice who grabbed you in the biggest hug as she led you down to the crowd of people swaying to the music.

Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it for me, please
Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it before I leave
Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it from your heart
Oh, have you somethin' to say, say it before I part
And so, what can I say, I thank you, dear
For sharing up the few things you have
And oh, I'd like to say, I'm glad you're here
And hope your leaving is not sad
Soon I'll have to go an' get back on the road
Then I'll have no reason left at all

The rest of the day was quiet on the home front. Flip and Ron stayed up on the tailgate, not much being said between the two of them as they gazed amongst the masses of hippies listening to the majority of the bands performing one after the other.

Country Joe came back on with his band Country Joe & The Fish, performing a similar set as they had earlier that weekend. Flip smoked on his third pack of cigarettes, nursing his self inflicted wounds as he had finally settled into a dull roar with his emotions.

The skin of them completely shredded at the knuckles as the bleeding had subsided for the most part. Being in the military and the force had taught him to rig up bandaids of sorts and survival techniques, so he fashioned some cloth from his shirt that hung from his pocket and doused it in ice-cold water to numb the skin.

The flesh was turning all shades of reds, crimson, and bluish purples, and he was surprised to find that he hadn't successfully broken any of them with the velocity he had destroyed that tree trunk with.

Examining for splinters, he picked them out one by one, cigarette in his mouth as he winced from the slight pain of digging out the deep-set wood spikes. He'd take a few seconds every minute to glance up and make sure you were still in his line of vision, contemplating how he'd rightfully apologize.

That box, now burning a hole in his pocket as he gulped down the possibility that you'd actually say no now from the stunt he'd pulled today.

He kept going over in his head the words you'd spoken. How you felt you weren't enough, that there wasn't a chance from the start because of your statuses in life, how you felt second class to him always.

The visions clouding his mind were of your pretty eyes filled with tears, your strained voice as you told him your innermost feelings, and how your lips quivered speaking every syllable to him.

His heart ached. He knew he wasn't the best with words and emotions in general. He knew he didn't deserve you... It had never been the other way around. No matter who you were before, he thought you were perfection. The moment he met you he had that feeling. You were all he had ever wanted and more, and here he was, acting like the biggest fool over a damn concert.
The sun had begun to set again, the golden hue painting the landscape in a gorgeous effervescence as it cast over the crew performing onstage.

Janis Joplin had been one of the main reasons you'd trekked across the country to see, and the anticipation was more than your little heart could handle as you watched her join her mates on the main stage.

Live your loving life,
Live it all the best you can
And if you pay no attention darling
To what you might ever hear from your man,
I think you're just like a servant
And try to keep it all to yourself.
Don't you know it makes the world go round,
You gotta go and honey share everywhere else.
Come on, come on, come on!
Her words echoed through the crowd, hitting your ears drums as a cascade of goosebumps erupted on your skin. You shut your eyes as the last bit of sunlight glimmered over the hills, spinning in the evening air as she sang her bars into the sea of people.
You finally felt calm. The notes washing over you in a cleansing bath as you twisted and swung your arms in tune with Patrice and Janis.
"Ya finally feelin' okay?" she nudged you as you took each other's hands in a twist.
You nodded inhaling the clouds of smoke, dust, and debris from the other people joining your spinning sessions.
Summertime, time, time
Child, the living's easy
Fish are jumping out
And the cotton, Lord
Cotton's high, Lord so high
Your daddy's rich
And your ma is so good-looking, baby
She's a-looking good now
Hush, baby, baby, baby, baby, baby
No, no, no, no, don't you cry, don't you cry
And boy did you cry your eyes out. Her lyrics hit your soul to its core. Bringing out every single emotion you knew you had and ones you didn't even see coming. It was cleansing and magical the way the guitar wails hit your brain.
Patrice and yourself were internally combusting at the seams. The sensory overload of the weekend had finally washed over as the stars aligned in the sky and the heavy feeling in your bones set in from exhaustion.
Didn't I make you feel
Like you were the only man
Yeah, didn't I give you nearly everything
That a woman possibly can?
Honey, you know I did!
And each time I tell myself that I
Well I think I've had enough
But I'm gonna show you, baby
That a woman can be tough
I want you to come on, come on
Come on, come on
And take it!
Take another little piece of my heart now, baby
(Oh, oh, break it!)
Break another little bit of my heart now, darling, yeah, yeah
(Oh, oh, have a!)
Have another little piece of my heart now, baby
But you know you got it
If it makes you feel good
Oh, yes indeed
The sobs came heavier as her words speared into your soul. The thought of losing the only person who truly mattered to you. Who really loved you and treated you the best you had ever thought possible. It was all being chipped away. You weren't even sure if he was still here. Wondering if your little speech successfully scared him away for good as you glanced back up with watery eyes to the top of the hill.
There he was. Sitting on his tailgate. Cigarette in hand. Staring. Not at the crowd, but you. Menacingly boring into your eyes as you met his. He was still there. Unchanged from the entire day. Looking exhausted and sleep-deprived as you felt.
A pang of guilt spread through you as you turned back to the main stage. The lights glimmering in your tears as they fell down your face again.
'Y/N, don't be so damn hard on him,' that inner voice scolded, 'he's here. And he's sucking it up the best he can for you,' the guilt causing and nauseous feeling to rise in your stomach, 'he drove thousands of miles for you, slept in a dirty tent, tried drugs, and sat through every guitar solo... all for you,' biting at your lower lip as your conscious clouded your thoughts again.
'Yes he's a fuckin' grump, but he's your grump dammit,' closing your eyes as more tears came out, 'and you love that fuckin' asshole no matter how much you try to tell yourself it's not going to work out,' feeling a sense of resolve as Janis finished her tunes out.
Sitting down by my window
Honey, looking out at the rain
Sitting down by my window, looking out at the rain
All around that I felt it
All I can see was the rain
Something grabbed a hold of me
Feel to me, oh, like a ball and chain
Hey, you know what I mean that's exactly what it felt like
But that's way too heavy for you, you can't hold them all
And I say, oh, whoa, whoa, oh, that cannot be
Just because I got oh, your love, please
Why does every
Oh, this can't be just because I got to need you, daddy
Please don't you knock it down now, please
Here you've gone today
What I wanted to love you and I wanted to hold you, yeah, till the day I die
Yes, I did, yes, I did, yeah, hey, hey, alright
"Y/N?" hearing Patrice call out in almost a whisper, "come on girl I wanna go back to camp," she grabbed your hand to rub circles on it.
"Ya gonna be okay? I think Flip is still here," wrapping an arm around you as you both shivered from the unexpected cold coming on.
"I'm gonna be okay," patting her hand as you meandered through the sweaty crowd into the clearing, " thank you... for being my rock today... I-I," you could even finish as she waved her hand at you.
"Honey, that's what friends are for," she chuckled out, "I'll kick his goddamn ass if I have to... for you," bopping your nose as she and you hugged tightly while walking back up to safety.
Ten Years After had just come on the stage and a frenzy of moshing was happening and just in time. The darkness had finally set completely as they came on with an array of lights and spectacular guitar and drum solos to please the thousands of people gathered.
Good morning little schoolgirl
Can I go home, home with you?
Good morning little schoolgirl
Can I go home, home with you?
Tell your mama and your papa
Big be schoolboy, too
I won't bore you, yeah
Baby, I won't bore you all night long
Yes, I do
Baby, I wanna ball you
I wanna ball you all night long
Tell your mama and your papa
Baby, baby, doing nothing wrong, child
"Well howdy there ladies!" Ron came off the truck to help both of you with some comfortable blankets on the ground and some much-needed drinks to quench the thirst.
Flip didn't budge one inch. He hesitated only because he thought you may want some more space after everything today. So he kept his wits about him as he honed in on your profile watching the glint in your eyes as you sat with a blanket wrapped around you swaying in tune with Patrice to the lyrics.
He so badly wanted to scoop you up and tell you he was so sorry, wanted to beg on his hands and knees so that you'd just forgive his stupidity. He knew you were worth more than begging though, and he wasn't about to make you forgive him for the stunts he had pulled.
He stewed and stewed through the entire set, not even paying the slightest attention to the legendary wails from Alvin Lee in I'm Going Home.
Goin' home, my baby
Goin' home, my baby
Goin' home, to see my baby
Our baby, how good
My baby, be good
I'm goin' home, my baby
Home to see my girl
Oh baby, baby, I'm coming home
Baby, baby I'm coming home
Tell me mama, baby, I'm coming home
Gonna see my baby, see my baby fine
Gonna take my baby, want to take my baby mine
Hoping my woman treats me real kind
I'm goin' home, my baby
I'm goin' home, to see my baby
Goin' home, my baby
The rest of the sets played through the dead of night. Johnny Winter captivated the audience with his electric blues rhythm as well as Sly & The Family Stone with their hit single I Want To Take You Higher. All of it washed over in a trance for the both of you as you avoided eye contact the rest of the night.
Patrice and you had fallen asleep after Blood, Sweat, & Tears had ended around three in the morning. Flip and Ron had fallen asleep as well, sprawled out on the truckbed in a fumbled mess of blankets and snores.
All of you as exhausted as you were, unphased by the remainder of the loud rock music playing in the wee hours of the morning.
You roused awake around the early bird time of eight in the morning. Stretching your tired muscles as you squinted from the first signs of sunlight peaking over the East. The music was still going strong even though no one was paying any mind. The hoards were dropped dead like a warzone scene from the movies. Camped out in blankets and some of them completely nude sprawled out over each other.
It was quite a sight to behold at this time of day. You shuddered, the thought of finally heading back home had been in your brain since the big squabble. You turned to make sure he hadn't picked up and left since you'd crashed, finding his sleeping form slumped over the tailgate, snoring and hair tousled as you cocked your head at the sight.
His precious eyelids twitching underneath, his plush lips pouting as he usually does when he's grouchy, his raven locks falling in every which way, and his poor beat up hands, dried blood, and cloth-covered as he held them in a cross on his chest. His breaths were low and heavy as he snored softly, his jeans tight to his muscled legs as you noticed the bulge that formed his morning wood.
You laughed, knowing his dream was probably about you, but then again, you didn't truly know what was in that head of his.
You huffed yourself up on your feet, stumbling like a baby deer in the woods as you made your way to the bags near your tent. Grabbing your effects you headed down to the river for the last time, hoping to avoid the people as you found the solace you desired on the bankside.
You stripped your cares away, wading into the coolness of the water, dunking your whole body in the cleansing current. You exhaled, floating your body on the surface for a few minutes to meditate in the stillness. The hues of pinks, blues, yellows, and whites dotting your vision as the morning came on over the sky.
You washed yourself, shaved, brushed, and polished. Feeling finally a sense of calmness, you exited the sweet waves clouding yourself in a soft towel. Shaking the wetness out of your hair as you slowly brushed it sitting on a rock, truly feeling like the closest to a mermaid you could get.
Placing soft lavender lotion on your skin, rubbing it into your muscles and joints with slow languid movements as you listened to the birds chirping overhead, and the wind whispering in the pine trees.
You finally dressed, making sure to place the fabrics with the softest touches as you soaked in the relaxing morning you'd given yourself. Strapping your heels on with the slightest of effort, inhaling and exhaling in timed rhythmic breaths.
This was perfect. You wished to escape to here forever. Be stuck in this moment with blank thoughts and the sunrise. It was the only comfort you had felt besides being cradled in Flip's arms... 'oh fuck,' you snapped out of it. Flip. What the hell was going to happen today? The reality was about to hit you and him the hardest. You prepped yourself for the worst, feeling at peace with whatever was to be. Taking another series of deep breaths as you gathered your clothing to head back to the masses.
You heard the hum of the crowd already gathering, the last act of the entire weekend was about to play. A sound check rang through the pit, causing rounds of hoots and hollers as they waited for the excitement to unravel.
You trudged up to camp, noticing the tent was being rustled down by Flip as he tampered with the stakes in the ground. His fresh wounds just clotted enough for him to move his hands, but not dexterous enough for bending them the ways he really needed to to get them out.
"Phil," you sighed, seeing his frustration build up from not being able to grip the metal, "here," shooing him away as you bore down and pulled it up with your heel and hands.
You helped him with the rest as he folded the canopy and put it in its place in the truck, handing the spikes over to his open palms, "thanks," he grumbled, avoiding all eye contact with you the best he could.
"You're welcome," whispering as you dropped them in his big fingers, "those look really bad," examining the cuts that had been festering in the dirty cloth all night. You went to touch them and were met with a fast pull away from him, followed by a grunt.
"They're fine," he huffed, not necessarily irritated at you, possibly, but the pain he'd felt from a whole slew of things.
"Oh, okay," rubbing the side of your arm as you placed your things gingerly in your duffle bag, zipping it up and lifting it into the truck bed along with his too.
"Do you need any more help?" timidly asking as he lit a cigarette in front of you, "I can lift the cooler and all the heavy stuff for you if you tell-" not even able to finish as he squared up to you.
"I've got it, honey," gritting out through his filter as he exhaled a puff of nicotine in your face, "go finish up," waving a hand towards the stage that was moments away from history.
Nodding you cowered slightly, really wishing you could fit in the cab with Patrice and Ron to go home at this point. Clearing your throat you turned your body around to find your friend to head down to the crowds gathering.
Flip stopped his work of loading, shaking his battered hand as he gripped his cigarette out of his mouth to look up and see your pretty body bounce down the hill.
He shuddered at the sight. He knew he loved you more than he could express and come hell or highwater you were going to be his. And only his. Inhaling a very heavy last bit of smoke, he pat the side of his jeans. That box menacingly laughing at him as he spat onto the ground.
'Just fuckin' do it, dammit,' he yelled in the back of his mind, 'you fuckin' coward, this is the only chance you're ever gonna get and you're blowin' it,' rolling his eyes at his conscious mind at being right for the millionth time in his life.
I see a woman comin'
I see ya layin' on your back
For the birth of pleasure
I see you on the right track
Free is free
You ain't supposed to be
Now don't rely on no man
Try to argue instead
I said find yourself first
And then your talent
Work hard in your mind
Go come alive
And prove to the man
You're as strong as him
In the eyes of god
Everybody come alive

Everybody come alive

Everybody come alive

Everybody love a lot

Everybody love a lot

Everybody love a lot

Everybody love a lot

It was as if an electric current shocked the entire population of people in the crowd. Jimi captivated the entire audience with his electric and smooth crooning to close out the entire festival with the biggest bang possible.
Patrice and you stood dumbfounded in the crowd, watching his hands slide up and down the strings on his purple guitar. Listening to his smooth as silk voice hypnotize the audience as he sang into the wind.
It was truly magical to be in the presence of this place. The perfect end to the biggest love fest that the nation needed in the times you were in. Both of you teared up hearing the words being spoken, taking in every single strum and drum beat as they penetrated the very souls of the people.
It was perfection. It made you forget every single grievance you had with your life. Made you come together with all the strangers in the crowd as you spun to the beats.
It's very far away
It takes about half a day
To get there
If we travel by my... Dragonfly
No it's not in Spain
But all the same
You know
It's a groovy name
And the wind's just right
Hang on my darling
Hang on if you want to go
You know it's really groovy place
And it's just a little bit of a Spanish castle magic
This was the closest to heaven you thought you'd ever come. Being in the presence of greatness as he stared you down from the mainstage. Your jaw dropping when he winked and strummed his guitar in your direction.
"Patrice!" jumping up and down as she screamed with you, both of you overcome with the sight of him playing his heart out to every person in the meadow.
Both of you shimming and swaying as the tunes echoed out, smiling from ear to ear as the finale continued.
Well, I stand up next to a mountain
And I chop it down with the edge of my hand
Well, I stand up next to a mountain
And I chop it down with the edge of my hand
Well I pick up all pieces and make an island
Might even raise a little sand
Cause I'm a Voodoo Child
Lord knows I'm a Voodoo Child baby
I want to say one more last thing
I didn't mean to take up all your sweet time
I'll give it right back to ya one of these days
After the solo and the song faded out, you both sighed in relief and exhaustion. The bags forming under your eyes as the tiredness from the entire dram filled weekend had finally set in.
You both trudged back up one more time as Stepping Stone played in the backdrop. Laughing and leaning on each other for support as you wobbled back in a delirious haze.
Ron and Flip had packed everything in their vehicles and were sharing a beer and a smoke while they listened to the band play away onstage.
"Baby!" Patrice screamed jumping into Ron's arms, "we got a wink from Hendrix! He winked at us didn't he Y/N?!" she excitedly took him into a passionate kiss that he was not prepared for.
"Yes he did," you chuckled out, pushing a strand of hair that had lingered into your line of vision, "it was amazing," sighing as you brought yourself back to that moment again, only to be shaken out of it by a loud huff from the grouch himself.
"What," you snapped, "you gonna comment on somethin', cowboy?" wanting to knock him into next week for his attitude.
"I didn't say shit, honey," throwing his hands up in retreat, his tone laced with all the sarcasm he could bring out, "good for you," he nodded, taking another drag of his filter.
"Okay," you placed your hand on your hips, eyebrows furrowed, "you got somethin' else you wanna tell me, Flip?!" raising your voice to meet his sarcasm, the tears gone as you'd finally cried to your limit for the weekend, so you'd thought.
"I'm so fuckin' sick of your attitude yesterday and today... so if you have something to say just fuckin' do it already and save me the grief!" tapping your foot on the dirt to create a dust cloud, Patrice and Ron cowering in the corner of your vision as you bore your hopefully menacing gaze towards him. The Star-Spangled Banner blaring over the meadow as the perfect opportunity for a knockdown drag-out fight.
He ashed his cigarette out, rubbing his face with his cracked hands, and stood to his full height. Your eyes followed his as you huffed breaths out of your nostrils, the anger boiling in your blood as you prepared for him to tell you to go fuck yourself.
He came nose to nose with you, his eyes black as he gazed into yours. Standing there for a moment with his breaths matching yours, he lifted his large hand to cup your throat, bringing your soft lips to land on his in a searing kiss.
The shock causing you to try and push him away, only to feel yourself fall into the languid strokes of his tongue on your teeth. You opened up for him, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck, hands tangling in his shaggy hair as he dipped you down further.
His other hand finding the meat of your ass as he kneaded it and fell into your kisses. It was perfect. For a moment, until you snapped out of it again.
"What the fuck is your deal, cowboy?!" pushing him off as your gloss was smeared all over his lips and yours, "now you're trying to butter me up?!" balling your hands into fists as he pouted his lips in a thin line.
"Woman!" he yelled loudly, the bellow seemingly echoing through the entire place as he articulated the word, "I fucking love you!" he yelled even louder so you and the whole world could hear.
"I love every single part of you! Good and bad! I never want anyone else to be around my grumpy ass but you! I want the picket fence and the fights with you! I want to tickle you until you punch me in the face! I want to cry and hold you at night if I've had a bad day! I want to come home to you and be with you for every mundane thing we do together! I want you, Y/N!" practically crying as he professed his woes to you.
He got down on his knee and pulled out the black box.
Purple haze all in my brain
Lately, things just don't seem the same
Acting funny, but I don't know why
Excuse me while I kiss the sky
Purple haze all around
Don't know if I'm coming up or down
Am I happy or in misery?
Whatever it is, that girl put a spell on me
"Y/N? Will you please fuckin' marry me?" he puffed out, completely exhausted at his efforts to make things perfect.
You stood there, in complete shock. Not a muscle in your body moved as you still had your fists balled, and your attacks ready to retaliate.
He slowly opened the box as you glanced down, the shimmering of the perfect ring in the white silky box catching your pupils as you honed in on the rainbows bouncing from the cuts of the diamonds.
It was gorgeous. More pretty than you thought you'd ever wanted or even dreamed of nonetheless. And he had picked it for you. You.
He sat there waiting. Watching your hands come unclasped from each other and the tears threatening to fall down your cheeks again.
"Honey?" he whispered, watching your sight change from the ring to him, a smile adorning your face as his perfect dimples shown on his, "what do ya say?" waiting as patient as he could for your answer.
Your mind tumbled with the pros and cons as you watched the scene before you. But they all ended with him. He was the one. He was yours, and you would always be his. The fights were a part of being together. And the love shined through those tenfold.
Pulling yourself together just enough to let out a heavy breath, you smacked your hand across his perfect face. He winced, swearing at the hardness of the blow, but still in the same position as he brought himself back together.
"I guess I fuckin' deserve that," he puffed, settling himself in the dirt again as the ring glowed in the light.
He looked back up at you, wanting so badly for you to either spit at him or say something, but patiently waited for another action as he paused in his position.
You huffed a loud breath from your nostrils, the combination of anger boiling over as well as his behavior making you come to your wit's end. Watching him take that punch made you want to do it again, but your emotions told you otherwise.
The tears threatened again as you conjured up the one-word sentence to give him, finally whispering out a pained 'yes' as you exhaled your fears.
"Yes?" he chimed out, his toothy grin showing brighter than you'd ever seen.
"Yes!" screaming out, "yes you fuckin' grumpy asshole! I love you!" crying as he stood back up to embrace you and lift you off the ground in a spin.
Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand?
Hey Joe, I said where you goin' with that gun in your hand?
Alright. I'm goin' down to shoot my old lady,
You know I caught her messin' 'round with another man.
I'm goin' down to shoot my old lady,
You know I caught her messin' 'round with another man.
And that ain't too cool.
Uh, hey Joe, I heard you shot your woman down,
You shot her down.
Uh, hey Joe, I heard you shot you old lady down,
You shot her down to the ground. Yeah!
He lifted his head from the crook of your neck, the smear of tears on his tired face, "I love you so much, you pain in the ass," bringing you into another searing kiss, this time moans emitting from both of you in pent up aggression from the weekend.
"You're the biggest pain in the ass," whispering on his lips as he chuckled, slipping the ring on your left hand as he lined kisses down your neck.
"Get in the fuckin' truck," his voice lowering into a growl as he dropped you to the ground and slapped the flesh of your ass as hard as he possibly could, "now, butterfly."
"Fuck you, cowboy," showing him that pretty middle finger as your newly shining engagement ring glimmered in his pupils, "I'm not gettin' in any sort of vehicle with you... You'll have to make me."
Crossing his arms with a thin pouted line on his face, he watched you square up to him in the most menacing way your pretty body could muster. It was almost cute how you tried to look all big and tough when he had at least a foot of height towering over you. But you didn't budge. Your precious features shined brighter than the sun even with the scowl on your face when you glared up at him.
His jeans tightened in the front as he watched you cross your arms over your tits, pushing them together in the most delicious way. He tried not to give the inkling that he wanted to hoist you over his shoulder and fuck the everloving shit out of you in front of the entire crowd, his eyes twitching as he bit his lip thinking about it.
The bulge in his pants becoming painful as he hadn't been inside that velvet pussy of yours in almost forty-eight hours. His balls hanging heavily in his boxers as they tensed up from envisioning you bent over the hood of the truck, that pretty little skirt hiked up over that globe of an ass you had.
"Did you even hear what I said?" snapping him out of his fantasy, "no... You just zone out on me all the time don't ya? Typical fuckin' man," snorting as you rolled your eyes in his direction. That was it for him. His limit had been met.
Just then he scooped you up over his shoulder, a chorus of screams leaving your lungs as you punched his muscled back while he led you to the front of the truck. He looked left, right, back, and front to make sure no one was paying attention. When the coast was clear enough for him, he landed another harsh smack on your ass, the vibrations causing a ripple under your skirt.
His cock was so hard at this point, hearing you wail out his name in irritation, the fact that your ass looked abused from his palms slapping it so hard, feeling that ring dig into his shoulder blades as you tried with all of your might to make him let you go. It was all just too damn much for him.
He lowered you down, pushing your front into the hood of the truck like a perp, grabbing the cuffs that he had on hand and situating them on your pretty little hands.
"I swear to fuckin' God Zimmerman!" you cried out, feeling his heavy hand push your hips flush with the truck hood, his other one slowly hiking your skirt up to reveal your pretty pink thong and those handprints.
"What are ya gonna do about it, butterfly?" he lowered himself down to your ear, the sound of his voice sending shock waves to your aching cunt as it dripped onto your panties, "ya want everyone in this place to hear you scream my name?" whispering again as he licked a stripe along the planes of your ear, a moan escaping your lips as your body pushed back into his front.
"Oh is my butterfly all wet for me?" running his thick fingers over your soaked undergarment to push it aside so he could feel the heat radiating from your throbbing pussy.
"Oh fuck, Phil," whining out a lot louder than you'd intended, causing his other hand to clamp over your lips as he pushed your hips flush with his.
"Don't. Fucking. Say. A. Word," he snarled out, pushing a finger into your hole in one swift motion as you nodded up and down, his breaths hitting your ear as he pushed his digit in and out of your sopping cunt.
It felt better than you could have imagined. Your pussy begged for every inch of him to fill you, even if it was just a finger at this point. You missed his cock even if you wanted to punch him square in the jaw for everything else he'd done.
He felt so good. His thick finger scraping that perfect little spot of yours as you whined in a muffled scream under his other hand. Your eyes welled with tears as he brought another finger in and soon after a third. All of them moving in tandem over your spot as you pushed your hips into him.
His cock ached as he heard your little mewls, felt your walls clamp down on him. He loved it when you looked like this. Begging for him and only him. He could bathe in this kind of control every single day of his life if he could. But he loved you. And he knew you needed to have the control too. At this moment, however, he was in the driver's seat, he felt, for the first time the entire weekend. And he was gonna make you cum as hard as he possibly could. All of the pent-up anger radiating from you both was combusting in between your legs and his and he needed to release it before he drove you home.
"I'm gonna take my hand away, butterfly," he panted, "and you'd better not fuckin' say anything but my fuckin' name when I stuff you full of me... you got it?" watching with hungry eyes as you nodded with tears in your eyes.
"That's my good girl," he mused, removing his hand to hear your pretty little moans emit from your chest as he pulled his fly down on his jeans. He released his rock hard erection from his jeans, the veins angrily bulging on the shaft as he grunted from the textures of his fabrics grazing the sensitive tip.
He watched as his fingers slipped out coated in your arousal, the way your cunt begged for them to come back to it. Your ass jiggling slightly as you tried to push back into him, the tip of his dick coating one cheek in his precum.
"Such a greedy little thing aren't we?" he chuckled, watching you beg under him, "I already gave you the damn ring... what makes you think you deserve more after the stunts you've been pulling?" poking his tip just at the entrance to your pretty pussy.
"Fuck you, cowboy," glaring back at him daring him to pull away, "I know you don't deserve any of this you're getting right now," your gaze burning holes into his darkened pupils as you watched the smirk slide over his mouth.
"You're lucky I even said yes," pushing your cunt over the tip of his dick as your face conjured in pleasure as you audibly moaned from the feeling of him.
"You're fuckin' lucky I even did it in the first place, Y/N," sheathing himself from tip to end inside of you, the collective sighs coming from both you as he stilled himself inside your throbbing walls. The feeling was more than magical as you drank in each other's frustrations, his hips picking up a pace as he gripped your hips in a frenzy of hard and fast thrusts.
Your breaths becoming more and more erratic as he slid your body up and down the hood of his truck. You both didn't notice if people were watching, nor truly cared. The aggressions were melting away with every movement, moan, and grunt the both of you made.
"Fuck I love this pussy," he stammered, his hips penetrating your cunt further and further, knocking on your cervix as you tried to stifle the noises wanting to emit from your lungs, "I love my pussy so damn much," gritting out as he sped up even more over you.
"Goddammit I-I love your cock," groaning out as his hand left one side of your hip to find your stiffened clit, "I fuckin' l-love it," sinking into him even more as he encircled the bud with his thick fingers.
"You're gonna cum, Y/N," his voice lowered back to your ear as you craned your neck back to meet the top of his head, "you're gonna cum all over this big cock of yours, like a good girl," the motions on your clit and his thrusts sending that familiar heat to radiate from deep within your body. The warmth enveloping every nook and cranny as you released your orgasm all over his cock, the vibrations sending the shockwaves to him as he became more and more aroused.
His cock became painfully hard as he felt you clamp down on him, your pretty little moans sending him completely over the edge as he pumped a few more times into you.
"Fill me up, Flip," you turned your head rubbing his with yours as he pushed into you, his hot cum squirting into your empty cave, filling you to the brim with him as he stilled inside you.
"Mhmm," he moaned out finishing his last round of pumps as he felt the release coming out of your abused hole, "fuck, butterfly," panting as he slowly removed his softening cock from you, the mixture dripping out of your spread legs as he stood back to admire the way you looked.
He took his thick fingers and scraped up the release on your thighs, stuffing it back into your cunt as you jolted from the sensation, the overstimulation clouding your movements. He placed your laced panties back over your pretty pussy, patting the spot as he heard you whine again.
"Keep that nice and safe for me, honey," he panted, pulling his keys so he could release your hands from their cuffs, "I want ya sittin' on it the whole ride home," lowering himself to kiss your already bruising wrists as he removed them from you.
He helped you up from the hood, turning you around to see your utterly fucked face gazing up at him. He pushed the loose strands of hair, rubbing the mascara off the sides of your cheeks as he watched your hands grip his. The light-catching that gorgeous ring in his eyes as you both smiled at each other.
"I love you, asshole," you smirked, rubbing your thumbs on his wrists.
"I love you too, butterfly," laughing slightly as the new nickname was fitting for him.
Bringing your lips to his in the softest of kisses as he wrapped his body with yours. The heat radiating from both of you coupled with the humidity from the hot summer day was enough to make you feel woozy.
"Let's go home," he whispered, patting your sensitive ass and kissing your crown, "I'm ready to take your ass back," smirking as you stuck your tongue out at him.
"Fine," you lamented, trudging to the passenger's side of the truck, "but I'm only gonna ride with you because you have a better air conditioner," pointing your finger to him as he laughed lighting a cigarette and taking a huge drag before hopping in the driver's side.
"Whatever you wanna tell yourself, Mrs. Zimmerman," earning a huge eye roll as you fiddled with the new ring on your finger.
"Fuck you, Mr. Zimmerman," again flipping the bird as he started the truck up, tuning the radio and the AC as it blared in your faces.
"Already fuckin' did that, honey," he smirked, patting your thigh as you snorted out a laugh and watched the meadow fade into nothing, "but if ya want me to do it again I certainly can," hearing another chorus of sarcastic laughing leave your chest.
"Just get me home, Phil," gripping his hand with yours as he ran a thumb over your ring, "I'll sit on your face if and when I feel like it... At home," pulsing your hand on his as you watched his eyes go dark again.
"Well, buckle the fuck up then," he chimed out, speeding faster than the roadsides cautioned down the highway towards Colorado Springs.

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