Lover Man

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(6 months later)

"Y/N?!" Patrice clapped in you and Flip's connected faces across the booth at the bar.

"Hmmm?" you let go of his suction, lips puckered in a swollen pout, "what girl? I'm slightly busy here!"

She giggled standing with her hands on her hips, "Do you want another drink? I've been tryin' to get y'all's attention for the last five fuckin' minutes!"

"Oh," you wiped the lipgloss from Flip's mustache, which proved difficult as he tried to take your cute little fingers in his mouth, attempting to move your chin back towards his direction, "Jesus, baby, hold on I'm tryin' to answer her!"

"We don't need more to drink, Patrice," Flip glanced over in her direction a moment, and then returned to kiss into your exposed neck, licking the fading hickeys he'd given you the night before.

"I'm sorry girl," you lifted his head from its spot, giving him the stink eye, "what my sweet man meant to say was, 'we don't need anything at the moment, but thank you for offering'."

He nodded with your hands caressing his cheeks, as his large ones moved up and down the expanse of your luscious body.

Patrice rolled her eyes and huffed off to find Ron while both of you resumed your make-out session. You moved your hands into his locks, tugging at them slightly when he let a blissful moan into your throat.

"God, I love you, Y/N," he praised leaving kisses along your jawline, rubbing his hands all over your body, completely worshipping you in front of the crowd at the club.

"I love you too, Phil," you whispered into his forehead, kissing it as he moved down into your cleavage.

"Hey! Lovebirds!" Ron shouted from across the way. This time Flip looked up from his cozy little spot in your chest, annoyed at another intrusion.

"Fuckin' what, rookie?!" He peeked over your shoulder, kissing it and grasping your ass cheeks. You looked over your shoulder towards them too, questioning the distraction.

"Y'all wanna go on a lil' trip somewhere this coming weekend?" He raised his eyebrows, trying to get his buddy to bite at the chance of a road trip.

"Where?" Flip backed up pulling a cigarette from his pocket to which you got out the lighter and ignited it for him, inhaling his manly scent along with the nicotine you'd grown to love. You instinctively rubbed his chest, causing him to moan out as he exhaled a smoke ring, throwing his head back and running his hand through his messed up hair.

"Bethel, New York partner!" He beamed his crisp white smile towards you both, and Flip immediately questioned his motives.

"What the fuck? Where is that? And why?" he took another drag from his Camel and you stroked his hair, twirling little strands in your fingers.

"Woodstock, brother!" He started to dance which prompted Patrice to grind upon him.

You instantly lit up at the name. You had heard about this big music festival coming up across the states and so badly wanted to hear all of your favorites live for once in your life. You whipped your head to face your mountain man, causing him to jump and grip you at the hips, cigarette still between his lips.

"Baby!" you shook his shoulders, "We. Have. To. Go!" Your giddiness shocking him as he stilled you on his lap. Your gyrations were causing more than just your excitement. The friction between your heat and his thigh tented his jeans just a little more than when you'd both been making out not a few minutes prior.

"Hold on, butterfly!" he brought you down to Earth, giggling at your sweet smile.

"Please baby?" You pouted, making your eyes go wide, batting your eyelashes, and to top it all off, pushed your arms together to deepen your cleavage exposed to him.

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