Seventh Stop: Xander

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Valt's POV
Spain was done with me as much as I was done with it. BC Sol had reacted about the same way I expected them to, though I could have done without the attempt to hug me at the end. I felt bad for recoiling from them, but they just didn't understand - I was so wound up, being around so many of my former friends and teammates, there was no telling what I would have done if one of them had touched me. They didn't understand. None of them understood, and they never would understand. It was better to just rip off the bandage and leave.

With Wakiya, I wasn't expecting him to just... shut down like that. The rough, irritating attitude, sure; you'd be worried if he didn't treat you with such hostility. I was expecting him to shout, scream, question me, do something! The frozen face of fear and disbelief was not what I had anticipated at all. It was a face that would haunt my dreams.

All in all, that was probably the second worse stop of my little tour, after Ken.

The weight of Raijin in my pocket was becoming more like a pound then the normal featherweight feeling of a bey. It became heavier and heavier each time I left a country. Each time I looked down, I half expected to see my coat flap dragging on the ground behind me. You're not my partner, I told Raijin in my mind. My real partner is Valtryek and every battle we won was won by fairness and hard work; the tech that went into making you made you too strong, and all you do is hurt those that you battle!

My strength has served us well so far, Raijin replied simply. And you didn't seem to have a problem with us when we began this journey.

"Because when we began, I didn't think it would hurt this bad to win like this!" I said out loud, exasperated. "I wanted to battle them because that's what we always did; I didn't expect to win every single battle. It's becoming repetitive, and that's taking the magic out of it. The very fact hurts." The faces of my friends when they lost to Raijin flashed across my vision and I winced. "Not to mention, it probably hurts them twice as much as it hurts me."

They are witnesses to greatness, Raijin growled in my ears. It is only natural that they react in such disbelief.

That doesn't make it any easier to bare, I told it firmly, choosing to keep it inside this time.

An echoing rumble followed, which I guessed was Raijin's version of a sigh. You said that you would wait until after our little journey to decide what to do with me, It reminded me. At least put up with our combined strength until then.

Inwardly, I cursed that little deal. All I wanted to do was fling that beast of a bey far away from me. But as PIXAL taught me, a Master didn't go back on their word unless it was absolutely necessary. Fine. The next stop is going to be the most difficult.

Difficult generally or emotionally? Raijin inquired.


Ah. Well, let's not squander our time here.

Nodding slightly, I took one last look at the skyline of Spain. I was currently standing at the top of the old bell tower, the one that Kit had found me at on my first day in the country. A weak grin twitched my mouth up as I thought of that day. It was the first of many fond memories I had made in Spain, as Kit was the first of many friends I made at BC Sol. But my grin was short-lived as I reminded myself that both just added to the growing list of people and places that I had to leave behind.

So I gave the country one last fond look, even took the time to blow a kiss at the horizon. Then I leapt off of the edge of the bell tower, transformed, and started my journey West. All the while, I was mentally preparing myself for what was sure to be the hardest stop of my journey, in more ways then one.

It was time to go see Xander.

No One's POV
The area outside the SB Rios training grounds was quiet. It had to be - the walls had been specially designed to keep out any and all noise that came from inside the grounds. The reason why was unknown to everyone except Banner Clay, the manager of the club. No one dared to ask him why, and for good reason. Xander Shakadera was the tallest in the club (possibly the tallest 11 yr old on the planet), and he was shorter than the man by a least a foot and a half.

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