Valt's Denial

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It's been about a month since Valt claimed his weapon, which means that he's been my student for a total of four months. Ever since he claimed his weapon, his learning has been coming along quicker than ever before.

He's learned to transform in and out of his Dragon Form - without having to dramatically trigger his emotions in the process.

I've even taught him Spinjitzu (what, after over a hundred years, you didn't think I could learn it?). Needless to say, after I showed him it, he was ecstatic to learn "the human Beyblade", as he liked to call it. He was a quick study, too - got it on his first try! Although he did have a problem with dizziness afterwards... and I had to clean up a rather sticky puddle.

He's also becoming quite skilled with his new sword. Whenever I see him practicing with it, I always see a trail of disemboweled training dummies and a line of stuffing in his wake. I've been replacing more and more of those this past month. It's almost frightening how he's able to take them done with such ease...

Also, about his sword. He's mentioned that it looks similar to the sword that his bey, Valtryek, wields in its avatar form. After that, I did a little research into these "beys". Turns out, since I taught the last generation of Masters, Beyblade has evolved from just a favorite pastime game into a full blown international sport. The bey designs have evolved as well, and become "powerful" through a process called resonance. From what I've read, it's basically the bond between blader and bey. My theory is if more Masters turn up, who also have an occupation as bladers, their weapons may also resemble those of their beys. An interesting insight to the future...

Oh, and before I forget - Valt now has a job that doesn't require using his powers.

You remember the tea shop the late Master Wu set up as his retirement plan, Steeper Wisdom? Well, that tea shop now acts as a main source of funds for the Monastery, and the Masters. My assistant manager had been taking care of the shop for the past four months, but it was about time that I return to work.

Valt was surprised when he learned about my second job. I was walking past the study when he looked up from his book and saw me with my messenger bag. He spoke up, "Hey, where are you going?"

"To work," I replied simply.

He tilted his head, confused. "But... aren't you already at work?" He asked.

"Technically yes," I admitted. "But this job requires funds. That of which my other job provides. Why so surprised?" I asked when I saw the look on his face.

"No offense," He relented. "But I guess I just always assumed that this teacher thing was it."

I laughed slightly. "Well, what kind of teacher would I be if I didn't fund my student's education?" I asked condescendingly. "And a manager has to show up at their workplace every once in a while. Besides," I told him over my shoulder, walking away. "Reputation and favors can only get you so far, Young Valt. There are times when you have to rely on others, and there are times when you have to stand on your own two feet."

"Wait!" Valt called after me. "Can I come, too?"

So, I allowed him to come to the shop with me; which really was an adventure all on its own. When the Masters came to this world, they brought the Monastery with them, which meant in order to get back to Ninjago, we had to use to use a special device powered by a shard of the Realm Crystal to make a portal. Valt absolutely loved it.

But the real magic came when we walked through the portal and Valt saw Ninjago for the first time. When he saw the horizon line of Ninjago City, with Borg Tower in the distance, he was stunned into speechlessness. I'm pretty sure I even saw tears in his eyes.

Walking down the streets of the city was practically a trip down memory lane for Valt. Memories awaited him at every turn - not his, per say, but the memories of his ancestors. More than once, we were bombarded with fans and paparazzi, who were all excited to meet the newest Master of Lightning. Valt looked uncomfortable with all the attention, but I told him, once we were out of earshot of the press, "Get used to it. The Elemental Masters are celebrities here, so you're going to see cameras flashing a lot more often; unless you can dodge them." He flashed me a weak smile, obviously not used to so much popularity.

When we finally came to Steeper Wisdom, the crowd of fans had dissipated completely. They knew better then to hang around Masters, smothering them. At the threshold of the shop, a whole slew of ancestral memories fought for Valt's attention. He was still as he digested the new images, and I patiently waited for him to recollect himself. When he finally spoke, he asked me,

"Did Jay Walker really lose to Cole Brookstone in an obviously rigged coin toss?"

I laughed, remembering the incident. I was still just a voice in Zane's consciousness at the time, but I could still picture Jay's pout and Cole's smug grin as they told us about it. "Yes, unfortunately. Jay really was a riot."

Valt really loved the inside of the tea shop. He said it reminded him of his mother's bakery, especially since we sold small tea cakes. I introduced him to the regular costumers, the staff, and my assistant manager, Danielle. She looked Valt up and down and asked, "Do you know how to work?"

Looking a little put off by the question, Valt nodded. "Yeah, my mom used to have me work in our family's bakery when she needed an extra hand." At the mention of his mother, a pained expression crossed his face. It made me sad just looking at it, but it was gone as quickly as it came.

"Well, we could use some help around here," Danielle told him, poring steaming tea into cups as she spoke. "Tea is Ninjago's main drink, and Steeper Wisdom is Ninjago's #1 tea shop - voted as such 100 years in a row, I might add!" She bragged, flipping her curly brown hair over her shoulder. "So we're always busy."

"Okay, so what can I do?" Valt asked.

"Remember, you don't have to help if you don't want to," I hurriedly reminded him, not wanting him to think he had to help out just because Danielle told him to.

He looked at me with an expression that was part serious, part joking. "PIXAL, I WANT to help."

"Yeah, c'mon, Pix," Danielle joined in. "Each generation has worked here, so why not have this little guy start now?" She reached over from where she was inserting tea bags into pots and ruffled his long blue hair affectionately. "Besides, we could use the extra help. We're especially busy this time of day."

I checked my internal clock and saw that she was right. It was about 3 pm, the time when most schools and businesses got out, and people had an urge to drink something warm. I nodded my consent, grabbing two aprons from a nearby hook and handing one to Valt. Tying them on our waists, I pointed him toward waiter duty while I handled orders.

At the end of the day, nearly everyone in Ninjago had gotten a chance to meet Valt. It was the busiest we'd been in ages, as everyone wanted to get a look at the new Master of Lightning. The poor boy was smothered by new fans, which made it kind of hard for him to focus on work (which resulted in more than a few broken dishes), but he made up for it with the kindness he showed everyone. All the people who came, Valt treated them like he was giving them his undivided attention, while also paying attention to those around him. So many (mainly teenage girls) asked if he was coming back.

So just like that, Valt had a job.

Every week when he wasn't training or learning about his heritage, he was at Steeper Wisdom, providing everyone who came with piping hot tea and a slightly less hot smile. The customers loved him, and he loved working at the tea shop.

But every so often, when he thought no one else was looking, I would catch Valt with a heartbroken look on his face, looking sadder than he's ever been. When that happens, his hand would grip the front of his gi, like he was in pain. Which I suppose he was...

Whenever I see him in that state, it reminds me that this is all just a distraction for him. He's in denial with what's happening with his personal life, so he's distracting himself with his job and his learnings. When the reality of what's happening breaks through, it's all he can do not to start crying.

And then I remember that he can't run from this forever.

His birthday is coming up. And I think I know the perfect present for him.
1558 words.

Okay! I should probably explain a few things:

1) In my AU, when the Elemental Masters brought the Monastery to the Beyblade world, their funds were still connected to banks in Ninjago, so technically, they still had to make money and send that money to Ninjago to fund their training.

2) Also in my AU, when the Realm Crystal was shattered, it was discovered that the shards could still create portals into the other realms, though they were much weaker, they didn't last as long, and you couldn't choose where you ended up. Special devices were created so people could control where the portals opened into, though you still had to hurry before they closed.

3) Danielle is Dareth's descendant (Ninjago character for those who don't know who he is). I'll be sure to upload a picture and description of her later.

Sorry for uploading so late. I'm staying at my grandma's, so I'm a little out of my comfort zone. I hope you like this newest update.

Beyblade Masters (Ninjago x Beyblade Burst)Where stories live. Discover now