(Chapter 2) Body Dinner

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"Son I think it's time that you get rid of that slutty trash you have working as your P.A " my dad has been trying to force me to get a new P. A for the last five family dinners, and I hate to emit it but he has a point.
"For God sakes you still have that whore working for you, I that you fired her yesterday after she was very rude to me."

"Mother I did get around to it I was to busy picking up the slaking job she was doing." My Mother and Father look at me in total shock. "That's it brother I think it time we found you a new Person acestant, because you seem incapable of doing it on your own." Of course Rain one of my older brothers had to chime in. "Fine, fine I don't care anymore get some one else, just as long as she has a big ass." I whisper that last part but operantly my sister in law heard me, because she gives me a sharp kick to the shin. I grumble in pain she sneakers and my brother sees but does nothing but laughs knowing what she has painfully done to my shin.
!Later after dinner!
I get to my house after dinner and my maid brings me a glass of Gin and tonic, I thank her along with that I tell her that it is ok to go home. As I sit alone in my big living room I think back to the time I envision my kids running around, my wife sitting next or me telling me about her day. That's never going to happen. I tried once to make that happen, but she only stabbed me in the back by cheating on me and said she didn't want
kids ever. So I changed my ways of a one woman man, to a many women man. I will never find love or be happy because it seems like ever girl I meet is wanting me for one thing or another. So why put my self
out there.
I know I know this was a freaken short chapter sorry P.S that's Spencer

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