(Chapter 1) Body Baby

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"Willow wake up it's five'o clock your going to be late for your job". My best friend Kat said to me for the forth time this morning, God why does she have to be an early bird.
"I am up now, leave me alone so I can get dressed". As she left, I tiredly got out of the bed and went to take a shower.

When I got dried off, put on a robe did my hair and makeup. Then got dressed, in a black pencil skirt that had white designs on it with a long shelved sheer black shirt, under a black tank and black stilettos. I know what your thinking how can a fatso like me wear heals but we can with practice.
After getting dressed I went done stairs to the kitchen to get something to eat and, realized that it was know six thirty. Crap I need to get going if I want to make it to work by seven thirty, plus I have to get the bosses coffee before he gets there.
So I tell Kat bye and exited the apartment and headed to mine and Kats car. We share it because it's cheaper also Kat likes to take the bus a lot more than she likes to drive in New York. I guess it's doesn't matter since she is a teacher and the school isn't that far away in a bus or car.
After getting my bosses coffee and mine I headed for the office. As I get out of the car after parking it I see a very old classic expensive car pull up besides mine, and realize that the drive just parked in the space thats reserved for the CEO aka. my boss. I hurry and get myself together before it gets out of the car. I really don't want him to think I am late for the first day on the job. I get to the elevator to go up to the buildings lobby, I hear muscular voice say please hold the elevator doors. None of my hands are free so I stick out my leg to keep the doors open, praying to God that I don't lose my balance and drop the coffee.

I seen the most spectacular man approached me. When he gets to the door he noticed that I am holding the door open with just my leg. "God you should have said that your hands were full I would have waited for the next one." Wow he said that and it was the first time in a while that I heard a man speak to me as if I was a normal person.
"That's ok I am fine, besides if you haven't realize by my name tag your my new boss, so I kind of felt like I should have held the doors open." Oh my god where did that sas come from.

He laughs and replies humorously "Know that the kind of person I want working as my P. A, the one that always ready to do the job at task."
A. K. A
that's what I imagine Willow to look like.

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