(Chapter 4) Body not so Normal

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Have you ever just been smacked with reality so hard it seems like you can't breathe. If you said yes than you can understand what seen I am about to let you in on. On the other hand if you said no I am probably about to make you pissed off.
It's like what ever thing that just happen in the elevator, never happen like some one had switch the light off and turned Spencer into a jerk.

"So Miss Foster I will so you to your office and there are a few things that I will so a tell you after that." Spencer said in a none emotional response. As I replied yes he lead me down a dime lit hall way to the very end until we came to a big set of double doors. He turned to the left than opened up at door that lead to an good sized office but it needed, how do I say this, a woman's touch to it.
"This is your office, I don't give a damn as to what you do with it." This is a whole new different Spencer. It's like someone has shoved a stick up his ass. "If you need me for something call me, but only if I am not in a personal meeting."

After he gave me all the rules that I am supposed to follow he lets me go to get settled for a while, until his meeting which I have to attend and take word through word notes. I knottiest that it is Kats lunch so I decided to call her.
.. The phone call ..
Willow: "Hey Kat tail how is work going."
Kat: "So far no one has thrown a tantrum, how's your first day work."
Willow: "I have been stuck in an elevator with my boss, then only to bond with him over 20 question, and as soon has we are face with the real world he has a jerky attitude with me."
Kat: "Well like I always tell my kids, maybe he likes you."
Willow: "Haha funny but I don't think that my life should be compared to a kindergartner."
Kat: "You never know what people think of somebody Willow branch so watch out."
Willow: "What ever, hey I have to go someone is knocking on my door."
Kat: "Byesssssss!"
As I open the door I reveal a person in a maids outfit. "Hello my name is Giselle." I replied back to her and told her my name also I asked her if I could help her with something.
"No actually I am here to bring Mr. Spence his lunch and also yours, but I bake a little something special for you." She said with a warm smile. "Oh your didn't have to do that for me Miss that's so sweet, here just sit your basket on the table I will call Mr. Spencer." 
"No that's fine I can call him." She insisted so I let her.
....... End of chapter (A/N)
So here is the thing you need to know
1. I am starting chapter two tonight 2. Giselle will be important to this book. 3. AKA THATS GISELLE'S PIC
Thx for reading byessssssa

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