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"Would you stop pacing already?" Linh asked Tam, who didn't stop pacing and continued to destroy his fingernails by biting them.
"Do you think she's alright?" Tam asked Linh finally sitting down beside her.
Linh smiled at him, "Of course, she's alright. It's also cute how you worry."
Tam blushed, "I'm not-"
"Brother, denying it will only make it worse. Relax, she's your soulmate. Your supposed to worry about her."
She went on about few other things but for the first time Tam didn't listen he was too stuck on the,
She's your soulmate. She was. And he was hers.
"Your right, she is my soulmate. I should go there." Tam suddenly stood up and started packing his bag.
"That is not what I was saying. At all." Linh said but Tam ignored her.
"You expect me to sit through another of AP Bio?" Tam asked her.
"No... But it isn't it rude to barge in to person's private moment?" Linh asked.
Tam deflated and sat down again.
Tam jumped while Linh shrieked.
"Marella?" They both asked as the same time.
"Where have you been?" Linh asked giving her a hug.
"And why are you eavesdropping on our conversation?" Tam asked her.
Marella shrugged, "Not my fault that your talking in front of me."
Marella then shook her head, "But that is not the point. CONGRATULATIONS ON FINDING YOUR SOULMATE TAMMY BOY!"
Tam glared at her, "Don't ever call me Tammy boy ever again."
Marella rolled her eyes, "My point is you should go. Biana needs you, she doesn't get well along with her brother-"
"How did you-" Tam started to ask her but Marella interrupted him.
"It's the right thing to do, isn't it Linh?" Marella glanced at Linh,
"I mean..."
"Tam go." Marella said. Tam gave her smile.
"Thanks Marella."
Keefe nervously knocked on his father's door and without waiting for a "Come in." He bathed in.
His father looked up from his papers, "Manners, Keefe."
"Didn't you hear me knock?" Keefe wasn't particularly feeling friendly with his father. His best friend probably needed him for god knows what and if it turned out it be a prank, Keefe sweated that he will post Fitz snuggling with Mr Snuggles on every social media platform there is.
"And what are you doing outside of school?" His father asked without looking up from his paper.
"My, didn't Principal Alina tell you? My best friend needs me. And I don't even know why. So if you're would be so kind not to delay us-"
"Us?" Cassius raised an eyebrow at him. Keefe cringed, he had lost his footing. He had gone too far.
"Oh, his Soulmate apparently." His mother sauntaured over to his side and smiled sweetly at him.
"Soulmate? And where is this girl? Dosen't she know of manners?" His father glanced behind him as if Keefe was hiding her and for once Keefe wished he was.
"It dosen't matter. Just leave her alone please. Can we please... Please father go to the Vacker's house?" Keefe looked down to his feet and closed his eyes.
"My, you should have said so." Even if Keefe couldn't see him, Keefe could hear the smile in his voice.
"Th- Thank you, father." Keefe turned around hoping, hoping he wouldn't say anything.
"And Keefe? Give my best wishes to the Vacker's, I've always like that eldest boy. Other than that Fitz you hang around."
Keefe was out the door by then.
"How much do you know about Alvar?" Keefe asked Sophie as they got into the car.
Keefe looked shaken up and Sophie could tell he was trying to hide it. "Not much. I know Fitz and Biana don't have much of a relationship with him. Why?"
Keefe got into the drivers seat and started up the car, "Apparently he's home."
Sophie frowned, "That's why they want us there? For a family reunion?"
Keefe shook his head, "I've heard Fitz talk about him once. And..." Keefe whistled. "It wasn't pretty."
Sophie knew of Fitz fiery temper, but she thought it was under control these days.
"So they want us there to support them."  Sophie said.
Keefe nodded keeping his eyes on the road.
"How do you know this?" Sophie turned her gaze to the passing views.
"My father..."
It was all he said but Sophie could hear the strain and pain in them. She reached over and put her hand over his.
Keefe instantly relaxed, "I'm okay, Foster. I'm okay."
Sophie didn't let go.
Biana stared at the front door as if it was her own doom. And it was. She wondered how long it would take for her to hack it into pieces and run off into the bedroom and close herself off.
This should have been the happiest day of her life, she met her Soulmate! How come the others got perfect timing. Perfect days. Perfect sorrow even. And she... She got her brother.
People often thought her life was perfect because she was a Vacker. They didn't know how it was like to be overlooked by two perfect brothers. For having to live up to them, but she did. She made it her own way-
She immediately got up when the door clicked but instead of the person she was expecting,
Sophie flashed her big smile and crushed her in a big hug.
"I- How did you come here?" Biana glanced behind her to Keefe who offered her an encouraging smile.
"We invited them, we told Principle Alina that you two needed them."
Her mom offered her a slight smile but Biana looked away.
"It seems like you had everything planned." Fitz was leaning against a pillar and glaring at his parents. Biana couldn't blame him, they deserved it.
"Fitz I-" Her father started but Fitz was already storming up the stairs.
"It's okay, I got him." Keefe nodded to her parents and followed her brother.
"Biana what is..." Sophie started and Biana sighed,
"I guess it's time to tell you. Come let's go to my room."

In another Universe. A FOSTER-KEEFE AU.Where stories live. Discover now