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Keefe hadn't really seen Alvar in person. Because there wasn't actually much to see. He had become friends with the Vacker's when he was ten years old. He had become friends with Fitz more accurately. How he had met him was one of his favorite's stories, he had infact hit him with a ball and knocked him unconscious.

Keefe had stormed out of his house that day, only seven but he still knew that his parents were far from cuddly and warm. But he was fine, he had gone to the park and found a ball and he started playing with it. Because what else could you do when there was no one on your life to make you feel loved...

But Fitz, he had been his friend. He had picked him even though he had made his nose bleed and given him a scar. And shout at him every day since, "Hey, Vacker! Remember that time I hit you with a ball?"

Because he could not definitely remember it. And soon through some miracle he had gotten accepted into the Golden Vacker's family. And he had felt home with them. More than he had ever felt with his parents.

Alvar hadn't been home that much when Keefe was around. So Keefe never saw him and when Alvar moved away to college... He barely existed.

In a way Keefe could relate why Alvar turned out the way he did. But that didn't mean he blamed him any less. Being a Vacker is hard. Especially with two sons and your youngest brother is more... Effortless than you. Practically better at everything. He knew Della and Alden were the best parents anyone could get but Alvar maybe did need more attention.

Keefe had long stopped thinking about it. About letting himself go there, because he knew if he did. He would see much more resemblance than he would have liked.

"Alvar..." Della's broken voice snapped Keefe back to attention. Alvar looked much like his parents. If you had seen him earlier he would have been a Vacker through and through. But... This Alvar was rugged. His figure hung to his bones, the tatters of his clothes dulled out his cobalt blue eyes. And he looked despised.

But he flashed a toothy grin at his parents that was more of a grimace. "Missed me?"


Keefe immediately made contact with Tam and gave him a look that hopefully said, "Get out right now." It must have because he slipped out before anyone could notice.

Keefe turned his back on the other party and started climbing upto Sophie. They made eye contact but there were too many emotions to decide what she was saying. Biana on the other hand was frozen. The literal meaning of frozen. Her tan skin looked more pale that it possibly should. Her teal eyes darkened making it a dark blue. It did not bode well with Keefe.

And just when things couldn't get worse Fitz decided to show up. The look on his best friends face washed out everything Keefe knew of him and his hate forwarded to one person.

Keefe had made it out that Alvar and Fitz was closed. Or else Fitz wouldn't be this hurt by him. Sure, he hurt the family and destroyed everything they stood for but Fitz took on a edge when it came to his brother. One that was probably left unsharpened. (A/N I have no idea where I got that.)

Keefe immediately moved in front of his best friend and held out his hands, blocking him the view of what was behind him. "Fitz... I know your angry but your parents-"

"Get out." Fitz tried to shove him out of the way but Keefe stayed firm.

"Fitz we're here to help. Okay-"

"I SAID GET OUT KEEFE! Your not family! You have no idea what's going on in here. You do not get to compare lives." This time Keefe let him shove him against the wall. He heard the the thuds of the staircase and the bang of the door. And silence after the car revered out of the gate.

"He's right. You guys should leave." Biana snapped her hand out of Sophie's grip and slammed her bedroom door.

Keefe saw the edges of Sophie's eyes wet with tears and he felt himself hardened. He grabbed her hand and twined it together and before he knew how he got out the door without making eye contact with the other three, he started his care and followed Fitz pursuit.

In another Universe. A FOSTER-KEEFE AU.Where stories live. Discover now