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They stopped at the edge of a forest one which seemed to stretch for miles, she had never seen this before.

She unlocked her door and got out and took a step back to see the full mass of the trees, but they seemed to stretch on and on creating a nice cool shade to the road.

She looked at Keefe and when she realized he was watching her she blushed but she asked anyways. "What is this place?"

Keefe leaned onto the car and looked at the trees with her. "Almost five years and I have no idea."

Sophie looked at him with surprised look, "Five years?"

Keefe only grinned at her and lend out his hand, "Come on, Foster. Don't you trust me?"

The question should have been an easy joke. But for some reason it hit Sophie hard. That the question brought into light of how much she did trust him.
But maybe that's the thing with soulmates. Maybe there wasn't anything about being meant to be as much as two people can love each other with or without that connection.

It never makes you any less or any more.
Her mother had once told her that she thought soulmates were just a explanation for love. Sophie had frowned at her because Grady and Edaline was the most happiest couple she knew. You could just feel it in the air that they were meant for each other. That without the other nothing would be the same.

So she smiled at Keefe and put her hand in his, "If I trip more than once on the way there, I'm turning back."

His laugh echoed through the wide trunks as they trenched carefully theoight what seemed to be a part.

"So that five years?" Sophie asked again.
"Five years ago, when I was twelve right about the time I enrolled in Foxfire, which I didn't want to attend. Because... I don't actually know. I guess I've always want to find a way to annoy my parents." He looked back at her and gave a slight smile. She tightened her hand around his. "But the thing got out of control that day, and I ran away... To here. To built this."

Sophie had been so focused on him that she didn't notice that they've reached a huge tree but what took her breath away was the treehouse that sat upon it.  It was beautiful, even from a low point on the ground Sophie could see how much work had been put into it.

"I.. you have a treehouse?"

Keefe laughed again and it made her insides melt and when he put his hands on his waist and raised her upto the ladder that hing down, she could feel her heart thundering against her chest.

She started climbing and reached the top in a matter of seconds, drawings were clipped on the neighboring branches. Jars of candies sat in a corner and stick figures which someone had named "Keefe" and "Fitz" sat at the very edge. The fallen leaves on the ground crunched beneath her feet and she took off her shoes, and felt the rough surface beneath her toes.

"It's wonderful." She turned back to Keefe. Who was still midstance frozen in climbing up and looked away when sheet his eyes.

He got himself up and pointed to the stick figures, "Fitz followed me once, and I didn't even know till I found those here. He didn't come back though, he never even asked me about it." He sat down and crossed his legs, Sophie joined him.

They sat there for what seemed like moments but may have been hours with the sky getting dark, she had leaned against him and watched the vast forest holding it's breath.

"Thank you for showing me."

She didn't see him but she knew he was smiling, he tested his head on top of hers.
"Always, Sophie. Always."

In another Universe. A FOSTER-KEEFE AU.Where stories live. Discover now