Happy Birthday Pt.4

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So i may have accidentally posted part 5 as part 4 im sorry if you got confuzed im fixing it😣 Anyways enjoy a new part.

Y/n Pov:
I did as he asked and when I got to my room he threw my old duffle bag at me and said "you have till your father comes home to pack up then jump out the window I have an errend to run but ill be back befor he gets here". "Wait what why not just kill him," I asked. "because if he is dead how is he going to get framed for your disappearance," he said. "smart," I said and went to my dresser and started to pack Jeff jumped out the window. I wasn't really scared of living with Jeff because again if he was going to do something to me then he would have done it already and I'm so tired of living like this wake up go to school then get abused by my dad then do it all over again. I don't really have much so I was done pretty soon then I went to watch a movie which I may not get to see again any time soon. After the movie it was almost time for my dad to get home so I quickly ran upstairs and jumped out my window Jeff was waiting there. "all set" he said. "yep" I said and we headed off in the woods the same direction we took to get home from that abandoned house the other night. "is it really ok for me to live with you" I asked. "why not" he said. "you can go get food from the store without being arrested that's reason enough for me, and your not stupid like other people are". "if I am going to be missing then I'm going to need something from the store" I said as we made our way to a store I picked up some f/c hair dye and paid for it using my dads "secret" stash of money he uses to buy more alcohol with. Jeff waited for me near the woods outside the store. On my way back to the woods these two men came up behind me and grabbed my wrist making me drop the bag I was holding. "whats a nice looking girl like you doing out so late" one of them said. "let me GO" I said but they didn't listen I kicked one in the shin "you got a little fight in Ya huh I like that in a girl" the one holding me from behind said. "you little brat I was going to do it gently but I think I will be rough with you instead" the one I kicked said, I cringed at the thought. Then jeff stabbed him in the back, pushed him out of the way and stabed the guy holding me I managed to pick up the grocery bag before Jeff grabbed my wrist and ran into the woods. "are you ok" he asked. "yea grossed out but fine" I said. "good I turn around for one second and there's already people trying to steal you away from me" he said. "so what did you get from the store anyways". "hair dye" I said. "don't want people to recognize me". "makes sense, what color" he said. Soon after we reached the abandoned house I was at before and Jeff gave me a small house tour then showed me my room and we both went to bed.

Jeff The Killer Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now