Happy Birthday Pt.3

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Y/n pov:

I started to wake up I saw I was in a bed I looked at the walls and they looked odd they looked dirty and like someone hasn't been in this room in a long time. I tried to get up but quickly fell back down. I winced at the pain I felt everywhere I felt so sore. I forced myself to get up and slowly opened the door. Dealing with pain is normal to me. There was a small hallway, two other doors, a window, and a staircase. I looked out the window and it was dark I quietly said "how long have I been here" and a male voice said "a couple of hours". I turned to the voice and it was the person in the white hoodie it was slightly covered in what looked like the blood he had his hood down so I actually saw his face, his skin was very pale and it looked like it had a weird texture to it, he had jet black longish hair, light blue eyes, and the most noticeable feature cuts along the side of his face making his smile look a lot bigger. Honestly, he looked really cool. Then I realized dad was going to be pissed that I haven't came home yet. "Where am I," I said " an abandoned house I like to call home," he said. "Okay then who are you," I said. "I'm hurt you don't remember me from the article you were reading or the note I left on your front door or the texts," he said. "so you were the one who left the note and what article are you talking about, the serial killer one?" I said. He just nodded. I think his name was Jeff or Jeffery woods. "if your a serial killer then why haven't you killed me" I said. " I saw you get bullied by those assholes back there and I kinda have a thing against bullies," he said." I couldn't just leave a defenses girl passed out on the ground surrounded by dead bodies". "so can I go home or are you going to kill me" I said. He rushed at me and but a knife against my neck. I didn't really flinch like I think he wanted me to. "hm a brave one huh" he said."Not really I just don't have much of a will to live" I said not really joking. he put the knife back in his hoodie pocket and said "you can go home but I'm walking with you". "Ok?" I said and we walked through the woods and had a few small conversations about how he came to look like that and why my dads an asshole until we got to a familiar long ass dirt road." how did you know the way here" I asked. "I've been watching you for a for the past couple of days," he said. Then I realized the person in the woods at my school and the rustling in the woods and I completely forgot I was out in the woods one night less than a month ago and I heard a scream so I followed it, smart I know, I was at the backside of a house when I saw someone jump out of a window covered in blood running in the same direction back to my house I tried running after it but I lost them so I just went back home. I couldn't tell he was wearing a white hoodie because it was covered in blood and they were running fast. That's probably why he has been stalking me so he could see if I would tell the cops or something. But I was too worried about my father catching me out or something stupid I completely forgot about it. "Why didn't you kill me that night," I said. "to be honest I don't know," he said, "something just told me not to". I went around back to the truck and climbed through my window. That's when I think my dad heard me and came screaming up the stairs. "Y/N WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU". I sighed and replied," I accidentally fell asleep and lost track of time I'm sorry". "ITS THREE IN THE FUCKING MORNING". "oh shit," I said quietly I didn't realize I was out for so long. "YOU BETTER NOT BE MESSING AROUND WITH ANY BOYS". Pfft like any boys would like me in the first place. " I wasn't I'm sorry dad it won't happen again," I said then jumped in my bed and fell asleep. I woke up exhausted and so sore. I was still in my clothes from yesterday so I went and took a shower. While I was drying myself off I looked in the mirror, I was covered in purple and green spots. I sighed again and got dressed. Dad worked today so I had the house to myself these are the days I live for dad won't be home till late I can sit in the living room and watch movies all day. I was about to run out my door when I heard my window move. I turned around and saw Jeff climbing through my window. "you do know I have a door" I said. "i was planning to scare you" he said in a disappointed tone. "good job" I said and then made my way down to the kitchen jeff followed. I was going to make a bowl of cereal. I wasn't concerned with him coming to my house, one he is a serial killer and two if he was going to murder me he would have done it already. He looked at my bowl of cereal like he had never eaten before so I pushed the bowl in front of him and he scarfed it down while I made another bowl for myself. "when the last time you ate" I asked. " I don't remember," he said then quickly took another bite. I guess it is kinda hard to go to the store when you look like he does and has done the things he has. "well I owe you my life so if your ever hungry feel free to stop by here, "  "of course only come through the front door when my dads not home though" I said. "seriously, you would help a guy like me?" he asked. "I mean you did save my life so," I said. "why are you not scared of me," he asked. "umm I don't really know, I've watched horror movies ever since I was a kid and again, I don't have much to live for," I said. He gave me a strange look. " I hate the way your father treats you," he said," what I wouldn't give to see the life drain out of his eyes". Then he suddenly stood up and said "follow me" and walked upstairs.

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