Happy Birthday Pt.5

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Y/n pov:

I woke up and went downstairs to the kitchen. Jeff left a note on the counter said were out of food. I went back upstairs got dressed and headed out to the nearest store. I got some groceries that I didn't need to go in the fridge since we don't have electricity and headed back home. I saw a poster one of those pole things about me and how I was missing and if there was any information call my fathers number. I quickly ripped it off the pole and threw it in one of the bags I had. When I got back to the house I was about to go through the front door when I heard talking in the house. I ducked under the nearest window and peeked inside it looked like a girl with a green jacket and a boy with weird goggles and Jeff he kept looking at the front door so I stood up more so he could see me but the other two couldn't. Jeff talked about having friends before and if they ever saw me they would probably kill me. He saw me and nodded for me to go around back to the kitchens back door and I obeyed. Thankfully I got inside and went upstairs all without them noticing me Jeff followed soon after. " I didn't know they were coming over today," he said. " it's fine go back downstairs and hang out with your friends," I said and that's when what looked like a corrupted version of that old video game character link ghosted through the floor. "Why hello there beautiful," he said with a smug look on his face. And the other two came up the stairs. The girl in the green jacket pointed an ax at me and said "who the fuck are you". Jeff stood in front of me and said "she's a friend leave her alone". The link boy said," Jeff I didn't know you had a girlfriend". I laughed a little. " I don't I told you she is just a friend," Jeff said with a slight blush on his face. The girl put her axes away and said any friend of jeffs is a friend of mine you must be pretty special for Jeff not to kill you and then dragged Jeff by the hood to his room. The boy with goggles said," sorry about her my girlfriend is a little paranoid sometimes about people". " it's fine but why did she take Jeff?" I asked. "probably to see if he hurt you in any way," he said "what he would never," I said. "Whats your relationship with with Jeff and why hasn't he killed you" the link boy said abruptly. "As Jeff said were just friends I don't think he kills me because I can go get food, when I first met him he was practically starving"i said. I talked about how me and Jeff first men then we went back downstairs and the two boys were talking about which horror movie they should watch.

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