Happy Birthday Pt.1

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Jeff x FReader

Y/n pov:
I woke up this morning like any other typical day, I took a shower, I got dressed, I brushed my (natural h/c) (it will make sense later) hair, then put on my fav/c hoodie that my shitty father gave me and headed downstairs to get breakfast. My father is a doctor so he already left for work and my mother is out of the picture, she filed for a divorce when I was born and left me with this asshole I call my dad. When I was done with my breakfast I grabbed my bookbag and started walking to school. When I got there it was a typical day of school no one really talked to me some times the teachers. It was a normal typical day until math class. I was starting out of the window like normal when I see something in the trees. It looked like a man with a white hoodie on. I didn't pay much attention to it though and my school day ended as it always did. I was walking down my super long driveway into the middle of the woods so that way no one can hear me scream when my dad abuses me. I'm joking I don't normally scream. I kept hearing things in the woods beside me like bushes being moved twigs snapping all the typical horror movie stuff that happens in the woods but you would be surprised those noises happen a lot for no reason, so I brushed it off thinking it was just an animal or the bunny rabbits I see sometimes and kept walking. When I got to my door something strange was on it, [Happy Birthday Y/N], I was confused because dad should still be working he doesn't come home till later tonight and more importantly, he doesn't care enough about me to even remember that it's my birthday most of the time. A couple of friends in elementary school would tell me happy birthday and my best friends would get me small presents but that was such a long time ago they don't talk to me anymore. I don't know who would write this. I brushed it off thinking it could have been a prank or something by that group of bullies in my school. I grabbed the paper off my door and headed inside I threw my bookbag beside the door and went to my room. I put the paper on my desk and went to take a shower. After I got out and got dressed I went downstairs and made a small dinner while I was eating I checked my phone. There was an article on it about a serial killer in the town beside mine. I've always like scary things so it's no wonder that would catch my eye. I get a text message from an unknown number
"Did you like my note"
"who is this?"
"you just saw an article about me, didn't you? "
"what are you talking about?"

I finished eating and went back up to my room and watched a movie then went to bed. They never responded back.

Jeff The Killer Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now