Happy Birthday Pt.2

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Hey guys sorry it's been a while school work has been keeping me busy but I just wanted to say I'm sorry if I repeat certain words I suck I writing lol but anyway here's part two more on the way if you guys want me to continue. Also sorry if this is short

Y/N pov:

I woke up to the sound of my father screaming outside my door "OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR", "I don't remember locking my door", he Hates when I do. I get up and unlock it  "Why did you lock this door" he said " I watched a horror movie and I got a little paranoid so I locked it and accidentally fell asleep I'm sorry" I lied, I don't remember locking it but it was probably on accident anyways. I have always been a pretty decent lier "whatever just don't do it again, you left a mess in the kitchen you need to go clean it up I work way too hard for you to just leave a mess blah blah blah" I stopped listening after that I usually do when he's chewing me out like this. I get downstairs and I was right it wasn't even my mess it was his he left there he probably left it there and got drunk like usual last night. I clean it up so I don't get beat then I went back upstairs and took a shower. I got out and was drying my self off with a towel then felt a slight pain on my shoulder I look in the mirror and it's the bruise I got the day before yesterday when he hit me for leaving an ice cube on the floor. I just sighed and continued drying myself off then got changed. I went downstairs and asked my dad if I could go to the park with some of my female friends. "Sure whatever I told you to stop bothering me when I'm watching tv," he said "Thanks dad I will," I said then left I lied again I don't really have any friends there is this one person who sits at my lunch table we occasionally have a conversation but I don't really think we're friends but she is nice to me. I just wanted an excuse to leave this hell hole of a house. I'm walking down my driveway and I start to hear the weird rustling noises in the woods like yesterday I again don't pay much attention to it. I get to the park it's not too far from my house but it is a little bit of a walk. I sit in the grass beside the small creek in the more "woodsy" part of the park. I've always loved the forest, something about it is just so relaxing to me. When I was younger and my father would beat me for something stupid and send me to my room I would open the window and jump down onto this old truck that my mother used to use it's not a far jump down and I'm a little athletic so I can just climb back up to my window I would run into the woods and lay down on this one fallen tree and look up at the stars and treetop. It was the most peaceful part of my childhood. I haven't done it in a while since I got out one night and fell asleep on the tree. My dad was Furious. I walked around in the woods for a little bit and got a hamburger at the little food stand they have there for the shows or whatever they do there and went back to the creek to eat it. I threw away the wrapper in the nearest trash can and then they came. The group of bullies from my school, when they saw me they started laughing and pointing at me probably at my clothes I always wear all black I just think it suits me better. "Heyyy emo girl," one of the girls said. I just ignored them and started walking back to the creek when one of the guys grabbed my bruised shoulder "Where are you going emo" I quickly pushed off his hand but he grabbed my hand and then pushed me on the ground, I was afraid my purity was going to be taken but thankfully they just started beating the shit out of me they got a couple of pretty good kicks in when something jumped out of the woods and stabbed one of the guys who were about to kick me again and another one of the boys kicked me in the back of the head really hard and I felt my consciousness fade as I saw the guy who kicked me in the back of the head also get stabbed by the person in the white hoodie then they stabbed one of the girls and the others started to run off screaming and that's when I passed out.

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