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   IT WAS LIKE everything made sense. The strange liquid,  the cargo, the weird elevator. They'd been transporting this liquid to here and giving it to these men to put it inside the machine so they could open the gate. After opening the gate? Well, hopefully, they'd realized what kind of horror lived on the other side. But, they couldn't let them find out.

   If the gate opened again, how would it close? There was no way Sky would let El close it by herself. El was just starting to feel normal. She was experiencing things like shopping and sleepovers. Even experiencing her first ex-boyfriend. El being the only option to close the gate again would be a total setback from her development.

   Steve and Dustin glanced at each other, as Sky backed away, too deep in her thoughts to acknowledge what was happening in front of her. "The gate." The two spoke in sync.

   Hurrying down the stairs, Robin asked. "I don't understand. You've seen this before?" Her voice filled with confusion as the gears in her head started turning.

   "Not exactly."

   "Then what, exactly?" Robin asked, twisting her head to look at Steve. These short and half answers were torture. She didn't like being left in the dark.

   "All you need to know is it's bad."

   "It's really bad."

"Like, end-of-the-human-race-as-we-know-it kind of bad." Dustin said. Sky glared at Dustin. Somehow in the two years they've been experiencing this, he'd mastered how to make matters sound exactly how they were but just in the worst way possible.

"And you know about this how?" Robin inquired, throwing suspicious glances towards them. She knew this was bad, but how bad was the question. And of course, how would a clueless Steve know? If Steve knew than it obviously must be something bad. Robin glanced at Sky for backup, but realized that wasn't going to happen. Even Sky's expression held fear. She knew too.

   "Um, Steve? Where's your Russian friend?" Erica pointed out, her head slightly tilted towards a small pile of blood. Which belonged to the the Russian that Steve had knocked out. Only, his body wasn't there. The pile of blood was the only proof they had of him even being there.

   Sky's eyes widened when the alarmed blared. Steve cursed under his breath and opened the door. Steve suddenly slammed the door shut and turned to them, "Shit."

   Sky began to back up, as fear flooded throughout her whole body again. She'd never been this scared. Not even last year when they were attacked by demorgorgans. Something heavy weighed her heart down as Steve repeatedly told them to go. They all ran up the stairs and into the room where the dangerous machine was opening the gate. But first, they were met with the scientists.

   Adrenaline filled her veins as she followed Dustin out of the next door. It reminded her of when they were running away from the bad men on their bikes. After seeing the men leave the lab in a hurry, she and Lucas had rushed back to their friends. Her legs burned, her arms ached, and the only thing that kept her going was her adrenaline.

   Dustin shrieked as he pushed a man in a hazmat suit out of the way. Scary memories filled Sky as she remembered last years events. It felt all too real. She was running from the bad men again. They were toying with danger and once again, her friends knew too much. She felt like her life was on this never ending cycle of running away from danger.

   Sky could barely hear anything but her heart beating rapidly against her ribcage. It only worsened when they came to a stop and she could faintly hear Dustin's cursing. Sky's eyes glowed a electric blue as she stared at the becoming hole that was before them. She was terrified to say in the least. Sky grasped Erica's hand and tightened her hold on her sister.

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