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"ADORABLE, BABY. Just adorable!" Mrs. Sinclair awed, while the camera was held up to her eye. "God. You are such a nerd." Erica said sassily, making Lucas frown. "Shut up."

   "No wonder you only hang out with boys." Erica bashed. Lucas frowned, standing correctly now. Their mother, scolded her, "Erica!"

   "Just the facts." Erica shrugged, making Skylar laugh. When their mother looked away and took more pictures of Lucas, Erica mouthed, 'Nerd.' Just to spite Lucas. He ignored it an kept posing.


   "Ghostbusters!" Will sang, seeing as his friends were obviously singing it. Skylar and the boys got off their bikes, excitement in the air. "Hey, Spengler!" Mike greeted Will happily. "Egon!" Lucas excitingly hugged will as he yelled, "Venkman!"

Confusion crossed Mikes expression, and glanced at Will. Mike walked closer to Lucas, "Why are you Venkman?"

"Because I'm venkman." Lucas said, stating the obvious. "No, I'm Venkman." Mike corrected, pointing to the name tag sowed into the costume. Skylar crossed her arms, watching the scene unfold, from beside Will. "Why can't there be two Venkmans?" Will tried to diffuse the situation. Skylar admired that but stayed back, she didn't dress up for a reason, and here they were, providing Evidence for that except reason.

And that claim was, there would be a problem. No, of course there are problems but when it came to stuff like this, Lucas and mike always butted heads. And Skylar didn't want that, her best friend and brother arguing wasn't ideal.

"Because there's only one Venkman in real life. We planned this months ago." Mike had gotten upset, as usual. "And still couldn't get it right." Skylar muttered. Lucas and mike sent glares her way. "I'm Venkman, dustins Stantz, will's egon, and you're Winston and since their isn't a fifth member, skylars gonna be the ghost."

"I specifically didn't agree to Winston." Lucas shook his head. "Yes, you did!" Mike claimed. "I don't think he did." Will thought aloud. Skylar furrrowed her eyebrows, mostly because she had become strangely entertained.

"No one wants to be Winston, man." Lucas shook his head. Dustin pressed his lips into a thin line while slightly shaking his head, agreeing with Lucas.

"What's wrong with Winston?" Mike asked, and Skylar gaped at him. "What's wrong with Winston?" Skylar scoffed. "He joined the team super late, he's not funny, and he's not even a scientist!" Lucas exclaimed.

"Yeah, but he's still cool."

"If he's cool, then you be Winston." Lucas crossed his arms. "I can't!" Mike scrunched up his face. "Why not?" Lucas asked, already suspecting why.

"B-Because..." Mike stammered.

"B-B-Because you're not black?" Lucas mocked.

"I didn't say that!" Mike became more defensive. "You thought it." Lucas claimed. Skylar rolled her eyes and wanted to show Dustin her Halloween sticks she got from Erica, but stopped when she noticed him drifting away from the group. "Guys...guys!" His attempts to get their attention failed since his back was to them and they were neck deep in their argument.

"Guys!" Skylar yelled, smacking both boys in the head, then pointed towards the buses. They all looked in that direction and saw kids getting off the buses, without costumes on.

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