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IT BECAME CLEAR to Sky that something was wrong with Robin and Steve. The two were debating about something, holding up fingers with goofy smiles, then bursting out laughing. This wasn't usual behavior. Especially since Sky hadn't seen either of them smile since they got down there. Now? They couldn't stop smiling as if they were on something. In a far away land that completely let them forget that they weren't somewhere fun, they were somewhere dangerous.

   Where the people responsible for the dangerous place, didn't want them to leave. That didn't seem to matter to them. In fact, they looked and sounded like two five year olds. It worried Sky. It was obvious that the men did something to them, but what? She had no idea, and without Steve and Robin in their right minds, she wouldn't be able to figure it out either.

   "What is wrong with them?" Erica asked, looking back at the two with a worried expression. Sky had to admit, it was the most concern she'd seen Erica wear in a while.

   Dustin exclaimed. "I don't know!"

   "Dustin!" Sky shouted, seeing the barrels that he was headed right for.

   "Shit!" Dustin hit the barrels, sending Steve and Robin straight in the back of them and for them to nearly hit the dashboard. Jerking backwards, Sky let out a airy chuckle. Erica and Dustin glanced at her oddly, only to find her in a stunned gaze.

   Hearing the groans of pain from Steve and Robin, Dustin turned. "You guys all right back there?" They didn't answer, only continued groaning. Dustin met Sky's worried eyes, "They're fine."

   They got out, rushed to unlock the back door. Once they did, they saw the two scoops ahoy employees lying down with grimaces on their faces.

   "Guys, c'mon!" Sky hissed, gesturing for them to get up. The two only responded by moving as slow as snails, which caused more uproar from the trio that was rushing them. Sky and Dustin reached in, and yanked the arms of the two.

   "We're coming!" Steve yelped, patting his arm from the forceful yank.

   Sky shut the door, and hurriedly pushed Steve and Robin towards the elevator. "Well, not fast enough."

   "This sucks!"


   Sky didn't know what to think as she stared at her friends. They looked like they could be her age the way they were acting. It was ridiculous. Now she knew for sure, that the Russians drugged them with something.

   "Hey! You look like you're surfing!" Robin giggled, while holding Steve's wrist to steady him on the thing that he was using as a surfboard.

   "Surfing! Yeah!" Steve agreed, glancing at her before going back to focusing on the waves he was clearly imagining.

   Erica looked up at Sky, brows furrowed. "They seem drunk."

   "Why would they be drunk?" Dustin said, a bit loud. He had to, after all, Steve and Robin were yelling over everything. They were being obnoxiously loud.

   "They're drugged," Sky exclaimed, her steaming gaze staying on the two. "That guy in the room with them, had a whole platter covered in needles. Who knows what he injected them with. Plus, why would they make them drunk if they needed information?" From the bruises and blood on Steve's face, torture was obviously the Russians favorite way to get information.

   "I'm a natural! Check it out!" Steve trilled, just before Robin pulled the thing from under him, sending him tumbling to the ground harshly. "Whoop!"

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