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Hello Wattpad! Weeeeelcome to WATTPAD THEORY. 


I tried. 

So! I'm about to break your mind :D

What if I told you Megalovania isn't Sans' battle theme? Alright. So we all know Toby Fox has a bit of a thing for characters with out-of-battle and battle themes that have the same motifs, such as Nyeh Heh Heh and Bonetrousle being Papyrus's themes with the same motifs, Fallen Down and Heartache being Toriel's and also having similar motifs. The list goes on, but I'll save you some time. 

Sans' out-of-battle themes are the songs Sans. and It's Raining Somewhere Else. Take a listen to them side by side. Sans. and It's Raining Somewhere Else share the same motifs! Now, Megalovania doesn't sound similar to these songs in any way. 

But, there's one other thing. There's an unused battle theme for Sans in the OST titled 'Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans' which is interesting, because it never appears in-game. So, why would Toby put this song in the OST if there's no purpose for it? Except, it might be a clue. If you listen to all these songs' melodies side by side, they have the same motif. These are Sans' three themes. 

Now, after I've explained all this, you must be wondering, 'But then why does Megalovania play when you fight Sans?' Let me explain that. 

The song title, 'Megalovania' is very similar to the word Megalomania, which means 'delusions of power' which is what obtaining the Real Knife gives you, the player. The Real Knife is the most powerful weapon in the game, but as you can't hit Sans with it, it gives you a feeling of false power. Now, why am I saying this? The Real Knife is thought to be the weapon of Chara, who is seen to be evil. As the story goes, Chara possesses the player by the end of the Genocide Route. Chara is normally thought of to be the one fighting Sans, using the Real Knife. 

So what am I saying with all of this? I'm saying that Megalovania isn't Sans' theme, BUT CHARA'S THEME. THINK ABOUT IT. 

In the Pacifist Route, the only time battle themes play is when a monster fights you. Key words being: MONSTER FIGHTS YOU. This is the reason why Bonetrousle doesn't play when fighting Papyrus on the Genocide Route. YOU are fighting PAPYRUS. Not the other way around. This is also the reason why the song 'In My Way' plays when fighting Monster Kid instead of 'Enemy Approaching' before the Undyne the Undying battle. So, by the end of the Genocide Route, you, as the player, have sought out monsters to fight instead of just the random encounters. So, seeing one more monster in your path, YOU decide to fight Sans. So, YOUR battle theme plays, because YOU are the one who has decided to fight. 

In conclusion, Megalovania is Chara's theme. 

Hope that makes sense :)

this was just a random thought lol. 




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