Chapter 32

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As soon as Brianna left her room i just sat there and i didn't know what to do because i didn't mean to hurt her but i also wanted to spend time with Quinton.

I walk downstairs to see Quinton sitting at the island and he looks up and says "What was that" "Nothing it was nothing really" i say "Oh ok then are we still going" Quinton says "No, We could just go back up to my room" i say walking up to my room and Quinton is behind me.

I sit down on my bed and Quinton does the same "Hey are you ok" he says to me "Not really but i'll be ok" i say "What's wrong" he says "Me and Brianna got into a fight" i say "About what" Quinton says "It really doesn't matter" i say "Yes it does if it's making you upset" he says "I don't wanna talk about it right now can we talk about something different" i say "Yeah sure" Quinton says


After brianna told me she slept with Cooper i didn't know what to do so i left and i got back to the sway and i went up to my room and i wanted to go over to cooper and punch him but i also didn't because he was my best friend but i did because i knew i liked her and he did it.

I sat in my room for about a day then Josh and nessa asked me if i wanted to go to the mall with them and i said sure because i needed to get out of the house.

We we were at the mall I said i'll be back because i wanted to buy something in a store. Then i seen Quinton "Hey what's up man" i say to him "Nothing much i'm here with Taylor" He says "Oh nice, bring me over to her i wanna say hi" i say "Ok" Quinton says walking over to where taylor was "Did you hear what Brianna did" i said "Yeah i did i'm sorry man" Quinton says "It's fine i'm not mad at her but at the same time i am mad at her" I say "Yeah i get what you mean" Quinton says.

We get over to where taylor was and i see Brianna "Hey Taylor" i say "Hey" She says "Oh your here" i say looking at Brianna "Yeah" she says quietly then she leaves.

"What the fuck man" Taylor says to me "What" i say "Your a dick" Taylor says "Yeah you shouldn't be mean she told you what happened and she doesn't even know if it happened you should be mad at her for that" Quinton says "So your not mad at her for that" I say to Quinton "No i'm not because i'm her friend and that's what friends do dickhead" Quinton says "I'm leaving" Taylor says "I'm leaving too" Quinton says "Bye" i say then hey just leave without saying bye.

I have to go find josh and nessa so i'm not alone in this mall, After 15 minutes of looking i found them in a store "I'm sorry it took so long i seen Quinton and i was talking to him" i say to them "It's fine" they say.

We got home and i needed to tell josh what happened "Josh can i talk to you" i say "Yeah sure what's up" he says "Can you come to my room" i say "Yeah sure" he says then we walk up to my room and i shut the door "So i need to talk to you about brianna" I say "What happened" Josh says "So you remember that party they had" i start to say and he nods his head "So after i left i guess she slept with Cooper" i say "Did she tell you that or did other people tell you that" Josh says "She told me that and after i left her house and i haven't said anything to her after that happened" i say "Do you want me to talk to her about it" josh says "you can if you want but i wanna talk to her again but i don't wanna get hurt again" i say "Yeah i understand how you feel" Josh says "Yeah i'm thinking of talking to cooper about it" i say "Maybe you should to see if he remembers anything" he says "Yeah maybe" i say "i'm going to go back to nessa i'll talk to you later" josh says "Ok bye and don't tell everyone about it because i don't want everyone to know" i say "I won't trust me" josh says as he leaves my room.

I just sat on my bed thinking about brianna and i didn't wanna hurt her but she hurt me, Maybe i should talk to her but talk to cooper first.

This boy//Jaden hosslerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora