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Monday 1st March

1 pm | Katsuki's Room


My mind is all foggy, Deku left 30 minutes ago, his scent had kept me calm, but now my omega is crying because he thinks I made Deku leave. The pain is only growing bigger, I have an idea of what I could do to help myself, but like all my previous heats I refuse to do it. This is humiliating, being so weak and defenseless, if at least Deku was here, I'd feel better... I close my eyes and try to remember my last heat, but instead of it being Icyhot, I imagine Deku. I didn't remember what happened, but my omega let me see to help my imagination. My body immediately heats up as I feel myself get even more aroused. The though of feeling his gentle hands along my chest, god it sends me to heaven.

"Deku~ Please..." I moan out as the images cloud my mind.

His hands would travel down my abs as the sweat would coat his palms, he would lift my boxers and grab my-

Knock knock

My heart started to beat fast, was it Deku, or was it someone else, out of panic I keep my mouth shut.

"Katsuki... It's me... I came to apologize to Midoriya, my alpha got angry and I lost myself, is he there with you?" He gently asked as I sighed.

"N-no he isn't, come back later when he will be here- Aah~" I moaned as my cock throbbed at the thought of Deku being back.

"Um... Katsuki why did you moan? Is everything okay?" He asked as I slapped my mouth shut.

This is bad, I don't want what happened last time to happen again, I don't want anyone but Deku to touch me like that... Think Katsuki think!

"I em... Just please leave me alo-" I said as the door opened.

He walked in and saw the nest, he growled and closed the door. My omega was screaming of fear, it knew what was about to happen...

"I-Icyhot... Get out!" I said as he shaked his head.

"I'm going to help you if he can't..." He said stepping closer.

"ALPHA GET AWAY FROM MY NEST!" I growled loudly.

He glanced at the nest and growled before walking in it. My omega was boiling with rage, I swung at him but he caught it, pinning me against the bed.

"If he'd at least help you it would be fine... But the fucker left didn't he?" He said as I felt tears prickle my eyes.

"Shoto please stop..." I said as he sighed.

"I won't mate you, I'll just satisfy your omega like last time..." He said kissing me.

I immediately bite his lip, he pulls away looking confused, he looks next to me and see's Deku's courting gift that I had yet to eat. He growled angrily as he realized he couldn't satisfy my omega anymore.

"Oh he's fucking done it now!" He said snarling.

He let go of me and slammed the boil with his hand, I cried as I saw the food splash against the wall. That was the button he shouldn't have pushed, I crawled to it and whimpered as I picked the broken pieces up.

"Alpha... Will be sad..." I wispered as I felt the room bust with anger.

Todoroki was now trembling, my nose burned from the strong burning scent of cinnamon, I looked at the door, Deku was growling angrily like never before. He jumped at Icyhot, sending a strong punch, he went through the wall and out violently against the pavement outside. I stood up and grabbed Deku to calm him, he looked angrily at me before his eyes softened.

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