Embrace your omega

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8h30 am | UA's Dorm


I'm laying in my bed, theses idiots acting so nice to me... how am I supposed to be angry and hate them when they act like that!? I hear a knock on my door, I sigh and walk to the door.

"You okay man? I was just a bit worried... You know keeping feelings like that down isn't good for you... Especially since your an om-"

"Finish that and your head will fly off..." I said with venom in my words.

"R-right... Sorry, but Bakubro, it's unhealthy trust me..."

"My instincts made me hug Icyhot today... Theses fucking instincts can go fuck themselves!" I yelled as he sighed.

"No I meant keeping bottled feelings inside... But your can't control your instincts either... I mean we are there for you and you know that..." He says as I sigh.

"I know... But I'd rather not.. Theses needs of mine are unneccessary... Now I'm tired so just do what you want I don't care..." I say walking to my bed and ploping back into it.

Kirishima walked in and looked around before sitting on my bed as I sighed.

"I told you I'm fine..." I said as he growled.

I flinched, he didn't make a normal growl... It was an alphan dominant growl. I sat up and looked at him angrily ready to beat his ass, he realized what he did and stood up panicked.

"Shit... I'm so sorry- I... I swear I didn't mean to-"

"Didn't mean to what!? What happened!? Bakugo you okay!?" Icyhot said running in.

"Ugh I'm fine for fuck sakes! I'M NOT SOME WEAKLING YOU FUCKTARDS!" I yelled as they both sighed.

"We know Bakugo... But our instincts are just... Made to be worried and want to take care of you... We don't do it on purpose..." Icyhot says as I sighed.

Man alpha's are a pain in the ass! Can't they mind their own fucking busines sor some shit...

"Fuckin hell you guys are annoying..." I say as they chuckle.

"Yeah... We know... But seriously Bakugo, are you okay? That Izuku seems to mean alot to you..." Icyhot says as I bit my lip.

I squinted my eyes, there's no way I'm crying again, no, I won't fucking let it. I let a low growl, making them both sigh, I dont care! I won't fucking cry again! They both walk to me and hug me, I trash around telling them to fuck off, to let me be. They only hug me closer and rub my back.

"Let it out man... It'll help, I promise..." Shitty hair says.

"Just cry Bakugo, cry." Icyhot softly wispered in my ear.

I gave up, I grabbed both of them and hugged them tightly as I screamed, I cried for a while, maybe hours, I lost count. I just know I cried until I passed out.

3rd person

Both alpha's felt the omega's body go limp, they both sighed and layed him down. They both looked at him with sadness, Katsuki was always full of energy and sharp mouthed. Seeing him in this excruciating pain made their heart ache, they really cared for the omega. They loved him both.

"You think he'll be okay? I hate seeing him like that..." Kirishima says gently rubbing Bakugo's shoulder.

"I... I don't know, but I really hope so... Do you believe his friend is alive and okay?" Todoroki says sitting on the desk chair.

"I kinda wanna dig in that... I wanna investigate, we got our liscense a while ago, we can investigate... The police stopped anyways so it's not like we'd be meddling in an open case..." Kirishima said as he gently caressed Bakugo's face to remove his tears.

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