Little sparing?

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Sathurday 6 am | Bakugo's room


I open my eyes, Kacchan is asleep in my arms, he looks so adorable and harmless like that... I sigh and gently let him go so he can sleep in the bed, I'm awake now so I'm going to go train. I stand up and get dressed, I feel so happy now, probably the side effect of marking Kacchan. I walk out to the kitchen where I see Shochan cooking some eggs and bacon.

"Hey Shochan! Good morning!" I said smiling a little too much.

"Hey there Izu, did you sleep okay?" He asked softly as I sat down.

"Like a baby really, I feel so lighthearted today, it's nice." I said smiling like a goof.

He turned around chuckling before walking to me, he gave me a plate with eggs, bacon and a toast.

"Isn't that for you?" I asked as he chuckled.

"Don't worry I can cook more, plus your going training right?" He said giving me a kiss on my cheek.

"Yeah I am, hey Shochan do you wanna spar?" I asked as he shivered and frowned.

I kinda regretted asking, I did show him more than once that I was much stronger than him...

"You don't have to if you don't want to..." I said before he smiled.

"No it's okay really." He said starting to cook more food.

We chatted for a little while after that, of course the conversation ended on the famous subject.

"How was it?" He asked as I swallowed my bacon.

"How was what?"

"The mating..." He said as I choked on my orange juice.

"Oh t-that... It... It was incredibly! Shochan I've never felt something so amazing... But don't worry I haven't forgotten about you." I said as he chuckled.

"Yeah I can only imagine... But don't worry about me okay? Just take your time, I'm a patient person." He said finishing his food.

I nodded before we both stood up, I sent a message to Aizawa, notifying that we we're gonna spar. He replied saying we needed to keep the damage to a minimum, I agreed and started to walk towards ground beta with Shochan. This was gonna be fun!


We make it to ground beta, I'm really nervous, you see... We always hurt eachother badly here, I mean I do wanna spar with Izu, but I don't want to harm him. I'm sure it's the same on his side so this outta be awkward, I walk in position as he gets ready. He starts to do stretches, showing me his beautiful body, god I gotta focus here! He smiles at me as he finishes stretching, he gets in position and look at me determined.

"Are you ready Shochan?" He asked smiling.

"Yes. Let's start this." I said monotonely.

I was honestly panicking inside, I don't wanna hurt him, Izuku starts his lightning and disappears, I panic and look around for him. He stops behind me and swings, I barely avoid it, sending ice his way. He gets slammed by it and violently bounces on the floor, his arm his bleeding a little where my ice hit but otherwise he's okay. I send another sets of ice waves, he avoid every last one of them, he's really fast, he suddenly zooms to me and punches my face. I fly so fast and so far that we almost meet the otherside of the ground beta.

"SHOCHAN! OH GOD ARE YOU OKA-" He says before I send more ice his way.

I'm growing slower, my body is starting to get covered in ice. I spit out blood and stand up before running his way, he smiles and mimics me, I avoid his punch and kick his stomach. He coughs and falls back a bit before I kick towards his face, he dodges and grabs my leg before sending me flying. I land harshly and stand up  rushing back at him, I swing but he dodges, I take that opportunity and grab his tail.

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