The dark side of alpha's

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Monday 1st March

10 am | Ground beta


Everyone will be watching us fighting, it's kind of stressfull... I know I have a high chance of really getting hurt or even killed if I'm not carefull, I've dealt with fire quirks before, never with ice. But then again, it can't be faster than electricity right? I've fought a beta once, he had this very annoying quirk that made him control electricity better than Denki... I sigh, this fight isn't going to feel good, it'll hurt like hell... I'm currently waiting at the south while Todoroki is at north, I'm starting to dread this, what if I lose and Kacchan gets forced to be with him!? I start to panic when I hear Aizawa sighs in our earpiece and declares the fight to start. I walk slowly, my ears are perked up to catch any noise. My nose is sniffing around to find any clue of his smell, I'm pretty sure he'll attack first. I hear it, 300 meters north east, I can hear him running, good he's pretty far- Wait... Wait whoa! 20 meters east! I turn and avoid his ice by a milimeter, how did he get here so fast in such a short amount of time!? I look at him, he's using his ice to move around rapidly... This is gonna be hard if he can move around fast like that. He sends a wave of ice that I barely dodge, it touched my arm slightly, god that hurt but I can't stop until my heart stops me, this is for Kacchan, I can't lose no mather what I need to pay for it...

"YOUR GOING TO LOSE MIDORIYA!" He yells as he sends more ice.

I jump to avoid it, floating in the air, I realize my mistake, this ice is slowing me down, but before I can react he send a shot of fire, I block it with my arms the best I can, screaming as the fire burns the top of my costume. I violently hit the ground coughing blood, I stand up immediately, he isn't done beating me up, he smiles and sends another wave of ice my way. I dodge it again, barely avoiding it but managing to not get touched by the ice. But as I did, he predicted my move would be to dodge sonce I can't counter his ice and sent fire that way, I jump in the air and over the fire. He growls and rush my way, sending an icy punch in my chest, I cough blood and fly 10 meters away from him, my elbows and  back are scratched and bleeding. I stand up coughing, this is hurting like hell, but even if I wanted too, I can't let myself loose, I'm holding back damnit! I don't want to hurt him, even after what he did, I can't go all out and risk to kill him...


Of course he's angry, he's been giving his all, and here I am just dodging and taking his hits...

"Because... I don't want to hurt you..." I say as he growls.

His eyes glowed with anger, his body trembling as he stood up straight and stared me in the eyes.

"Be an alpha and fucking fight me!" He screams as I shake my head.


My body flinched, I know we're heard, he better not say anything to jeopardize Kacchan, but I don't think that's his goal.

"What?" I said confused on to what he meant.

"YOU KNOW DAMN WELL WHO! I'LL CLAIM HIM IF YOU LOSE!" He scream as my eyes turned slits.

My body started to form lightning around me, my eyes glowed with my strength, it's a side effect of using our full strength. Aizawa did mention it before, ultimate alpha's have superpower, literally. I ran towards him, I was there in a second, I punched his face strongly, he flew 36 meters away before hiting into a building, breaking the wall and falling inside. I manage to regain control and relax, thinking it was over. I tried to move but my left leg was frozen, it hurted like hell.

"AGHH!" I yelled in pain as it gave me frostbites.

I had two options since I saw Todoroki wobbling back out of the building. Break my leg out of the ice, or wait to get attacked fully... I sigh and punch my leg, screaming at the bone that cracked along with the ice, I weakly stood back up limping.


I smiled and ran as well, cursing my leg for hurting so much, he was too unstable to use his ice, so it became a fight of fists. One in my face, one in his, one in my chest, one in his. It wasn't going well as we both backed up coughing blood.


"Tch... I've known him since we we're 4 idiot... You never had a chance!" I screamed as he lost it.

His left side flared up, making me step back, he was going to use his full strength against me. Fine then, I changed in my full form, he wanted to go all out huh!? Bring it bitch! With that, I ran his way.


"AIZAWA STOP THE FIGHT THEY'RE GONNA KILL EACHOTHER!" I screamed as I saw them fight fist to fist.

"HEY YOU TWO STOP THIS!" He says in the earpiece.

"I'm sorry..." The monitor said while looking at Deku.

We had cameras and microphones everywhere to hear everything, they're fight wasn't obvious to others, but to me and Shitty hair, it was obvious they we're fighting for me! Stupid alpha's!

"If you won't stop them I will!" I yelled running out.

"BAKUGO DON'T!" Aizawa screamed as I ran towards the fight.

Please let me make it, if either of them dies I won't forgive myself! I make it to the spot, my eyes blew wide as I saw Deku turn into a wolf and lunge at Icyhot, he wasn't going to survive that!

"DEKU STOP! PLEASE BOTH OF YOU!" I yelled before the field exploded.

The blast made me fall on my back, the ringing in my ears was really loud. I slowly stand up to see a crater in the ground. No.... I stood up and ran as I felt my eyes tear up, no... Not this! I made it to the top of the crater looking around I couldn't see anything due to the dust, but I could hear groans of pain. Only one... I couldn't tell witch it was, but the other was silent, I couldn't help but think the worst. What if I ran down there and found one of them dead!? I couldn't bare the thought and jumped down screaming.

"IZUKU! SHOTO! PLEASE ANSWER ME!" I yelled in the smoke.

My tears we're flowing freely now and I couldn't care less, my childhood bestfriend taht I just finally regained and my first friend at this fucking school we're possibly dead. I made it near the middle when I tripped over something, I landed on it, it was soft and warm. I had closed my eyes, but now I didn't want to open then. It was a corpse... I could feel it. Suddenly I feel the body lift up and down, it was breathing.

I snapped my eyes open, it was Todoroki, he was groaning, my heart sank... He was the one I was hearing... That meant... But before I could look around, I hear yells and screams, I looked up to see the class at the edge of the crater, they we're staring infront of me. I looked up and cried, still standing covered in blood was Deku, his ears were down as well of his tail, he was burned almost everywhere.

"DEKU!" I screamed as I jumped up and hugged him.

God I was so fucking glad he was okay... I feared he was dead somewhere in this crater damnit. He hugged me back, his body was trembling and he was burning hot, his head went to my scent glands. He inhale softly and nuzzled me.

"Omega~" He softly wispered in my ear.

He suddenly went limp in my arms, I looked at him, he was still breathing but weakily, I layed him down gently, he looked in alot of pain. Yet he had an innocent smile, his hands we're tightly gripped to my costume like I would disappear. I sighed and sat next to him, he did it, he defeated Icyhot...

"Dumbass... You could have killed yourself..." I said as I moved his hair out of his face.

Recovery girl made it down a couple of minutes later, she healed them both partially, Icyhot was sent to the nurse office and Deku woke up with some scratches still on him, so we walked to the dorm as they repaired ground beta. He didn't talk while we we're walking back, I didn't think much of it and walked him to the bathroom.

This idiot... Making me realize I'm in love with him! What a pain in the ass...


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