Chapter 13: A Kiss

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Chapter 13

"Wait why are we turning left? Mark what are you doing the interstate is to the right where are you going?" I said quickly, leaning forwards.

"We're going to pick up Logan." Mark replied, glancing back at me.

"Excuse me?" I asked. "Did you just say Logan?"

"Yes, Logan, he's coming."

"Are you kidding? Did you nothing to ask me? Are you aware that you are voluntarily bringing my ex boyfriend into the car who I still have unresolved shit with?" I said, looking at Mark in shock.

"Marley you'll be fine. His parents are both out of town and he's got nothing to do and Jane said he could come with us. It's fine you don't have to talk to him." Mark sighed, glancing back at me.

"But he-"

"Oh my gosh Marley shut up nobody cares." Wesley groaned. "We get it, you broke up with Logan and don't accept it, please just don't make this a weekend of your drama like you always do."

My jaw dropped.

"Wesley..." Mark warned, giving his brother a look.

"What it's true! Everything always turned into drama about Marley! I'm sick of it!" Wesley rolled his eyes, turning to look out of the window.

I just sighed, leaning back against the backseat as Mark turned onto Logan's street.

Logan didn't say anything to me as he got into the car, and I did my absolute best not to look at him.

But how could I not when he looked so attractive? It always amazed me how great he looked in just a pair of sweatpants and a thin t-shirt with a beanie. But I mean Logan always looked perfect.

And then there was me, wearing an oversized flannel with a small white tank top and leggings. I was wearing a beanie too but mine was to hide my messy hair.

"Hey." Logan said softly to me.

"Hi." I mumbled, looking down at my hands.

"Gosh who's fighting it's like a freezer in here." Logan laughed as Mark pulled out of the driveway.

"Well Marley's being a brat." Wesley mumbled.

"Says the one brooding and constantly insulting me? Yea okay." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.

Logan laughed. "It's usually Mark that you fight with." He said, glancing at me.

"Yea." I muttered, turning to look out of the window.

I wasn't going to have a conversation right now because there were so many things that I wanted to say.

On the plane ride to New York, I sat next to Mark. We did crosswords just like we had when we flew home from North Carolina.

Wesley and Logan sat together, and both looked silently pissed off at things.

They were most likely both mad at me, so at least they had that to bond over.

I just couldn't wait to get to Alex's apartment...


"Holy shit." I breathed as Alex pushed open the door to his apartment.

It was a massive open area with an entire wall filled with windows. There was a loft against the window wall that looked like an office and there was a huge kitchen and dining room.

Apartment goals.

"Right so there's a pull out couch in the living room, there's an air mattress that we can put out here as well, and then there's a guest bedroom that Marley gets. Dad's orders." Alex explained. "And nobody goes into my room, got it?"

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