Chapter 6: The Story of Us

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Chapter 6

“IT’S A LOVE STORY BABY JUST SAY YES!” I sang at the top of my lungs along to the excessively loud music. 

I was in a Taylor Swift mood and I’d been blasting her music throughout my speakers all day as I got ready for the party. 

Tonight was my birthday party, even though my actual birthday wasn’t until tomorrow.

But it was a Saturday night and I didn’t want to have to wait until next weekend. 

The gash on my forehead was healing fairly quickly. It still required a lot of makeup to cover up, but it wasn’t too bad. 

“Turn down the damn music!” Mark yelled, walking into my room. 

I rolled my eyes at him, stepping into my black pumps. 

“It’s my room I can do what I want.” I shrugged, checking my hair in the mirror. 

“Whatever. People are going to be here in like 15 minutes so hurry up.” Mark said, harshly shutting the door as he left my room. 

I sighed, sitting down at my desk to finish touching up my makeup. 

The song changed from Love Story to Last Kiss. 

A frown crossed my face. This song made me sad. 

Because it was painfully close to Logan and I…

‘All that I know is I don’t know how to be something you miss.’

Because clearly he didn’t miss me enough to act on his feelings…

‘Because I love your handshake, meeting my father. I love how you walk with your hands in your pockets, how you kissed me when I was in the middle of saying something, there’s not a day I don’t miss those rude interruptions.’

I missed everything about him…

‘I feel you forget me like I used to feel you breathe, and I keep up with our old friends, just to ask them how you are. Hope it’s nice where you are.’

Mark hated how much I talked about Logan over the summer, despite the fact that I tried not to. Everything seemed to relate to him and I was constantly wondering how he was…

‘Never thought we’d have a last kiss, never imagined we’d end like this.’

Sure, when we were together I wasn’t painfully in love with him, but I couldn’t imagine being without him. 

And now that it’s in perspective, I was in love with him. I couldn’t help how much I loved him. 

But we were over and done with. 

I angrily stood up from the desk, quickly turning off the music. 

I’d had enough of sad lyrics for the day…

Hell it was my birthday party and I should be happy. 


I sighed, leaning against the back of the couch as I crossed my arms. 

My eyes trailed over Logan across the room. He was surrounded by about three cheerleaders, all of them desperately flirting for his attention. 

It annoyed me more than I could ever imagine, but I knew that I didn’t have the right to do anything about it. 

Despite the fact that it was my party and he was my ex boyfriend, it would’ve been bad if I went over there. 

Because he was my ex boyfriend and despite the deep conversations we’d found ourselves having lately, something in me told me that we weren’t at that stage that I could open show my jealousy or hang out with him at party. 

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