Chapter 8: Meet The Girlfriend

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Chapter 8

"Aren't we going in?" Mark raised his eyebrows as my dad hesitated outside of our front door.

My dad sighed, turning around to face the three of us.

"Okay Wesley this doesn't really apply to you because you know Heather, but you two..." My dad said, crossing his arms as he looked at Mark and I.

I exchanged looks with my partner in crime.

"Please don't pull your usual crap today alright?" My dad sighed, giving me specifically a pleading look.

"Don't worry dad, I'll be good I promise." I gave my dad a reassuring nod. "Trust me."

"Yea as if she'll be good." Wesley rolled his eyes, nudging my arm.

I just smiled. "See? Not retaliating." I laughed, every inch of me wanting to do something to either of my brothers.

"This will be fun." My dad muttered under his breath as he turned to open the door.

There was a tall brunette woman standing in the kitchen.

And for a minute I froze.

Hundreds of things flashed through my mind from memories of this kitchen...

From wrestling with Mark, to cooking with James, to spraying the chocolate fountain everywhere by 'accident', to all of the memories with my brothers in here.

And now it was an unused kitchen with the table and chairs that held so many memories.

"Hey Heather." Wesley grinned, waving at her.

"Hey honey." Heather gave him a smile.

She was absolutely gorgeous.

"Hey babe." Dad said, walking over to her.

I resisted the urge to gag at his affectionate word.
My dad deserved to be happy.

"So these are the devils you've mentioned?" Heather laughed as dad wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Yes, yes this is Marley and Mark." My dad nodded.

"Hi nice to meet you." I said instantly.

Mark didn't say anything. I nudged his side.

"Uh uh yea hi." He said quickly, glaring at me.

"I've heard so much about you guys. It's great to finally meet the rest of Adam's kids." Heather laughed, grinning at my dad with a fond look.

"Well are you ready to go?" My dad asked her. "I know it's a bit early for lunch, but not too bad."

"Yes just let me get my shoes." Heather nodded before heading to the stairs.

My dad turned to look at Mark with a frown.

"Improve your attitude." My dad said harshly to his son.

Mark just rolled his eyes.

"I'll be in the car." He sighed as he turned to the front door.

My dad shook his head, turning to me with a smile.

"By the way what happened to the Jeep? I didn't see it in your mom's driveway." My dad frowned, glancing at Wesley too.

"Ah yea about that." I said, nervously playing with my hands.

"Some idiot hit Marley on Monday. No big deal but the car was totaled." Wesley shrugged.

My dad's eyes widened.

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