Chapter 22 (Stores)

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(7:00 pm Heading To The Mall/ Train Stations)


The train stopped for  the first station and a huge crowd of people walked in the train door, Me and Toby who were standing up moved closer towards the side, Toby was facing me- He placed his hand on the wall beside me not wanting to squish me with all the people behind him and pushing, Toby groaned "We should have just took an uber, I forgot it was rush hour" I looked at him, was he always this tall?..."Are you alright darling?" His soft caramel eyes looking into mines- I blushed lightly without realising "Yea I'm fine" I smiled nervously, my hand reached out for his top, having temptations to pull him closer, would I say I'm touched starved? I guess so...

It only took 5 minutes to reach the next station, we all walked out the Train Station, I looked around the placed, I don't remember coming to this place, maybe I should go out more often- I spend 7 years in this place and never been here- Can you believe that?

We walked for a few minutes before reaching a huge looking mall, It looked bigger than the last one. We walked in and I started looking around, admiring the place- Jeff clapped "I miss this place so much!" he giggled, Candypop actually even looked more excited than Jeff, which is new- I looked around to find any store that catches my eyes, Jeff skipped towards me "Let's go to the second floor~ There's more and better shops up there" Candypop nods and smiles, I kept close beside Toby, We all took the elevator and reached the second floor, we walked out the elevator and a store immediately catches my eyes, A gaming store- My face brighten instantly when I lied my eyes on it, Jeff looked at me then at the store, He sighed "You wanna go in there?" Toby chuckled, "It's alright Jeff, you and Candypop go ahead to the clothes stores, me and Ben will meet you guys up in Candypop boyfriend's store" He suggested, So Candypop's boyfriend works here My eyes were still gazing at the  gaming store, I do need a new gaming chair, keyboard and maybe a new speaker- 

Toby tapped on my shoulder, I looked at him and behind him, Candypop and Jeff were walking towards a different direction, I tilted my head "You wanna go in there?" Toby asked, I nearly jumped from excitement "Yes!" I smiled- Toby chuckled and held my hand as we walked towards the gaming store-

"Welcome" The shop assistant welcomed us, but I wasn't focused on the person talking, I was rapidly looking around- This store is HUGE! I couldn't believe places like this actually exist, I thought everyone bought their gaming setups online- "Darling slow down" Toby chuckled "Take your time, I'll get you whatever you want" Toby smiled, I nearly bursted into happy tears- But I didn't walk anymore than 20 inches away from Toby- Toby was softly chuckling as I checked out the headsets, I found one that looked cool as heck and felt very comfortable as well, I slipped my wallet from my pocket forgetting what Toby offered, Toby stopped me- I looked at him confused "I'll get it for you love" He tells me, "I- really? I mean- you don't have to" I stuttered, Toby shook his head and smiled "I've got all this money, I can't even spend them all by myself if I bought everything I wanted, so of course I'm gonna spend them on you darling, Its what you want anyways right?" He chuckled-

I blushed "Y-yea" I knew Toby was rich- But I didn't know he was rich enough to say that confidently- "we'll come back to this- you should look around for anything else y-you want" Toby says has he let out one small tic, I guess the pills are wearing off- I looked around more and spotted gaming chairs- about after another 30 minutes I was done looking for my new set ups while Toby non-stop encouraged to pick more things, I was starting to feel like he's asking to turn broke- Gaming setups are not cheap- especially the one I'm picking right now- 

The things like gaming chair, pc monitors and even a new pc were going to be delivered directly to my front door, honestly how can I thank Toby after all of that?? This is literally the best thing someone gave me- NOTHING can top this- "They'll be delivering it, I'll be in the cashier if you wanna come- but you can keep looking if you want" Toby smiled and explained, I shook my head, This was more than enough- "I'm done looking" I hugged Toby's arm blushing- Toby snickered "alright- Let's go to the cashier-" He asked, I nodded and walked beside him as we walked towards the cashier, The cashier that was playing on a nintendo switch placed it down, Toby widened his eyes and blushed- I tilted my head then looked at the cashier, I gasped-

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