Chapter 21 (Tasers)

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Content warning: Slight gore AND Slight NSFW

// taser guns, knives, yelling and whole lotta fucking swearing//


(6:30 pm BOH of Femboy Hooters)


Keith takes a pocket knife out from his pocket- Jeff chuckled "Oh come onnn~ Are we still 13?  What the fuck is that?? a toy?"Jeff laughed at the males in front of us- Keith grunted "shut the fuck up!!" Randy slapped Keith on the back of his head "YOU FUCKING IDIOT, THIS WAS A FUCKING TRAP AND YOU CAN'T FUCKING SEE IT? YOUR SO FUCKING USELESS" he yelled right at Keith's ear, Candy chuckled "You can't even treat your friends right- what the hell is this? 5th grade fighting over a crayon color?" 

In the look of Randy's face, he had enough- "You want to fight? I'll fucking show you faggots how to fight" He was about to grab something from his pockets when Jeff walked towards him with a taser buzzing, Troy saw it but he couldn't do shit-

few minuets later all of them were trapped, no where to go- with Jeff's fucking taser up buzzing one cm away from hitting Randy's neck, Candypop holding BOTH Troy and Keith back- "H-Hey now, what the fuck happened to knives huh? I know you love that shit-" Randy tried to look unbothered and brave as possible- but to me, they all looked like dipshits-

"Now now...which one of you thought it was a good idea to touch our coworkers hmmm?" Candypop questioned, sounding more pissed off then usual, none of them spoke, "I don't know what the fuck your talking about you fucking clown-" Randy struggled to breath- half of his attention on the giggling Jeff and his taser, "shame..." Jeff giggled then tased Troy right on the torso, Troy fell on his knees and began choking for his life, "WHAT THE FUCK" Keith watched in horror, I secretly enjoyed the view, "again-" Candypop sighed but you could see he was enjoying them being in pain, "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU CARE ABOUT SOME SHITTY FUCK F-" he couldn't even finish his sentence, my eyes widened, I punched him right across the face, his face bruising up instantly, I slide my mask down and smiled softly "you wanna say that to my face again?" No one will even get close to ever calling my beloved such things- especially shitty people like them- "Can I taser him?" Jeff huffed, I looked at Randy then Keith, "Yea sure you can tase the skinny one, I'm not done with this one just yet-" I explained, Jeff smiled and lets go of Randy and pinned Keith on the wall...a little bit looking sexual- "How can you guys not know Jeffery was the pole dancer of this restaurant, you really surprised me when you were even shocked he was alive" Candypop chuckled and kicked Troy who was still groaning on the ground- How strong is that taser even?

Randy tried getting up but candy used his weird paranormal tricks to keep him down, honestly Candypop is so fucking powerful, he could finish all three of them by himself...but obviously, I wanted to see their suffering...slowly...

I forced Randy's head to look at Jeff and Keith, "fucking let go of me you fucker" Keith exclaimed, Jeff chuckeld "If you guys really like raping men in bathrooms so much- I'll do you a small favor...but you probably would only enjoy the first several minutes~" Jeff chuckled, Keith started to sweat "W-What?" I smiled and approved what Jeff what was going to do-


Jeff kneeled down in front of Keith, Keith grabbed Jeff's hair pushing him not front or backwards, Jeff grabbed Keith's hand "Don't touch me oi!" 

Toby's personality suddenly splits- He grabs Randy and throws him to Candypop then choked Keith hard- Candypop catches Randy not expecting Toby's sudden mood swing,  His face still having a wide friendly smile is probably what terrified Keith the most- "Don't move, my friend said he would help you with that didn't he?" Toby whispered into his ear, from Toby's sorta big-ish looking shoulder bag- He slides out a smaller looking axe, "woah woah woah! when did an axe become involved? Do you just carry that thing everywhere?" Keith chuckled nervously, "I think he does-" Candypop smiled, Troy finally got back to conscious when everyone was focused on Toby and Keith, and he took the advantage to stand up to throw a fist onto Candypop-

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